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Bewlah T. Zew
360° is the spiritual journey of Ruby Junaper Pandavas, a philosophically conflicted sniper and her best friend/yoga guru Kristoffer H. Nash.

With Kris’s guidance, she faces her fears and doubts to find her true destiny in this world as a warrior in the greatest battle of all. She begins as a naive rookie cop with many doubts. Upon discovering corruption in the force, she begins working for Antonio Sorvino, a Buddhist mafia boss.

RJuna goes from a strict policy of non-fatality as a rifleman through a spirited sojourn that ends with her using her gift for aim to clean house. 360° is about taking responsibility for one’s destiny in the face of serious inner tumult.

Influenced by the Bhagavad-Gita, this is a retelling of the ancient story about friendship, duty, yoga, and wisdom through realization steeped in a whirlwind plot involving corrupt cops and a Buddhist-run mafia.

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ISBN: 1-4241-5649-1, 169 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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50% Cut and 50% What Makes the Successful Barber: A Barber's True Story
The reality of how the barber world was introduced to Violet “Chip” Sims-McGhee is that she was too young to even realize she was being taught a skill and learning a trade that also would prepare her to operate and manage her own business one day. She knew this profession was right for her. This book expresses her philosophy, what it takes and how she became a successful barber with a rewarding, memorable career. By passing knowledge on to others, this book provides teachings to enhance and strengthen the path to success, financially and spiritually instilling business tactics with good ethics, dedication and confidence that will, in combination along with skill, create a winning career. Barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians, all students and any entrepreneurs, this information is for you to absorb like a sponge. Here’s your guide to success. Good luck!

Softcover [$16.95] 

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ISBN: 1-60474-994-6, 108 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $19.95 Your Price: $16.95

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Abstractions in Maturity - A Collection of Poems
Brooke Lenwell
Abstractions in Maturity is a collection of poems about finding oneself and one’s place in society as one progresses through life. Certain poems reflect on past events with nostalgia, while others question serious events in life, human nature, and the state of society as a whole. Others tend to be more obscure and abstract in discussing spiritual and emotional matters of the soul. The book as a whole is intended to be a sort of poetic timeline, from times of angst to times of discovery and times of peace, reflecting the author’s progression in maturity and blossoming into her true self. The author has written and shared these poems in hope that others can relate and will find peace in their struggle to find peace.

Softcover [$16.95] 

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ISBN: 1-59286-143-1, 129 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $19.95 Your Price: $16.95

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Advanced Meditations on Masonic Symbolism
John R. Heisner
While Freemasonry does not promote any particular religion, it leaves the choice of religion to the discretion of each Mason. Bearing a close relationship to Hermetic philosophy, Freemasonry uses symbols of tools to impart ancient truths about man’s relationship to God. Advanced Meditations on Masonic Symbolism continues from where Meditations on Masonic Symbolism ended and explores the practical application of various philosophies to everyday life. Freemasonry seeks to remind mankind about its better nature. If you wish to know the Masons’ secrets about happiness, faith, hope and charity, you will learn them here. If you care to learn how men thousands of years ago met the challenges they faced in their daily lives, you will find this book enlightening. If you care to know how you can improve yourself in all aspects of your own life, you will find the answers as you explore the advanced lessons concealed within Masonic symbolism.

Softcover [$21.95] 

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ISBN: 1-60474-056-6, 250 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $27.95 Your Price: $21.95

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Altruistic Sphere, The: Space, Time and Consciousness
Herbert Moore
Many of the books today dealing with time and space are from the standpoint of physics. This book is a philosophical work from the standpoint of experience. Physicists have long been concerned with the relative and holistic nature of time and space, but most have been hesitant in applying that to everyday life. From the other end of the spectrum, a number of Eastern sages have spoken of a need for Westerners to develop our own “dharma” toward that special experience transcending time/space. The Altruistic Sphere approaches both of these concerns.

Nature provides the framework through which perception, time and space may be understood. The relativistic depths of time/space are uncovered in an introspective and reflective awareness. In a meditative experience we have the non-singular, non-dualistic and non-subject/object source dimension. Source consciousness is the source of time/space, happiness and intelligence, and essential realization in any way you care to consider.

Softcover [$21.95] 

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ISBN: 1-60813-114-9, 263 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $27.95 Your Price: $21.95

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Always, Keri
Keri Grindstaff
Keri has been raised in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina for the 21 years of her life. She’s been a writer and a musician for almost as long as she could walk and talk. Love has inspired many of her poetic pieces, and her friends have given her the support to keep writing through the years. For enjoyment, she plays clarinet, sings, and enjoys acting. This book is a selection from her collection of poetry from 2004 to the present.

Softcover [$16.95] 

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ISBN: 1-60672-918-7, 122 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $19.95 Your Price: $16.95

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America from the Sidelines
Godson Offoaro
This book is an account of a bewildered, culturally shocked, and intrigued author’s impression about a huge political, economic and social infrastructure called America. He could not rationalize how this mighty country, blessed with abundant natural and human resources, a country which gives preference to animal rights and animal well-being, could still be home to hundreds of thousands of homeless and hungry people. Prying into the American polity, he discovers that political intrigue and manipulation, which he thought were evils that belong only to military dictatorships and developing democracies (as in his native country Nigeria), were also rampant in the United States. The author is an avid political animal who has neither voted nor participated in politics as he had wished, because of prolonged military rule in Nigeria. He was disappointed that, as a foreigner, he could neither vote nor be voted for in America, the famed land of freedom. He, therefore, could not help but watch America from the Sidelines.

Softcover [$19.95] 

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ISBN: 1-59129-643-9, 222 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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American Dream, The: Facts or Fallacy? Why Blame Others for Your Failures
Dudley G. Earlington
Two academicians were discussing the “American dream.” One contended that the “American dream” is out of reach of most Americans. The other concluded that the “American dream” is robust and is achievable. A bystander laughed, then remarked, “The ‘American dream’ is an illusion, a dreaded nightmare.” The book presents an overview of how Americans perceive themselves and the emphasis they place on material things in their quest for satisfaction. The author’s analysis provides a perspective to let us understand that the “American dream” is a justifiable phenomenon and is achievable, and that cultural deprivation and economic dependency play a role in underachievement. To determine if the “American dream” is available to all Americans, the author examined the workings of democracy in America, her claim to ‘equality’ for all Americans, the colossal disenfranchisement of a great number of Americans, social injustice, and economic disparity. His chronicles depict “two faces of Uncle Sam.” In the epilogue, a flow-chart to high achievements is proposed.

Softcover [$19.95] 

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ISBN: 1-59286-111-3, 164 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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Analogy on Religious Beliefs, An
R.J. Esquerra
In my common beliefs whether this is impossible or, if possible, then so unpromising as to be worthwhile attempting to illicit understanding of Religious Beliefs. And my design here will appear to be contemporary, rather than to transpose it into the idiom of general thinking. The general characterizing may be difficult to discern although there will be lots of mistakes of the principles. My reflections may bring to light an appropriate gratefulness for what is available, and the acknowledgment of the past, but there is no mere idolizing of what is past and gone.

Softcover [$16.95] 

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ISBN: 1-59286-894-0, 111 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $19.95 Your Price: $16.95

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Anarchist Propaganda
Radical Andy
Imagine a world where the American government was taken over by a man who believes he is already dead and who promptly disbands it, where an escaped lunatic has the power to mold reality into whatever shape he desires, and where an apparent feeb holds all the secrets of the universe, as well as the power to save it. This is the world of Anarchist Propaganda, and once you’ve entered it, you may never want to come back. “Just after the pope died, God came to me in a vision. He told me two things: First, that I was his real pope, no matter what those jack-ass Cardinals in Italy say. And second, that Radical Andy’s book Anarchist Propaganda is the best book ever written.” —Lenny “the Real New Pope” Beniti

Softcover [$19.95] 

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ISBN: 1-4137-9630-3, 147 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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