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Betrayal in Blue
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Betrayal In Blue   
       Hey Publish America, thought I'd browse awhile and come up on this book by a female correctional officer and man is it awesome.I could not put it down , keep the books going Mrs. Digges, you are a very talented writer..

Betrayal in blue   
       Well, Well, Publish America, you have been hiding this book.This authoress really knows how to write a book about prison life and the inner workings. Everyone who is at all curious about life behind bars could go for this book.I recommend it 100% .

Betrayal in Blue   
       I found this book on the website and thought it looked interesting.Man, what a book!!!! This authoress should have this book made into a movie.Couldn't put it down and what an ending! Thank You PublishAmerica for a fine piece of work. Keep on writing Ms. Digges..

Betrayal in Blue   
Stuart Collins
       I found this book on Publish America website and thought why not order this unknown author..Let me say this! This is a book to be reckoned with! She knows her stuff on prisons and inmates even if it is fiction..I only wish i could meet this woman and thank her for the best book i have read in a very long time..Thank you Mrs. Digges, keep on writing...

Betrayal in Blue   
       i just finished the best book read that come out in a long time. whew! i will say this book needs to be a movie, man it is great!!! keep more of the same Mrs.Digges, you sure know how to write a thriller..

Great read   
       I recommend this book to all readers who like a a good story with some surprising twists in it. I think this author has the potential to see bigger things ahead!

Betrayal in Blue   
Knoxville, Tennessee
       If this book goes unnoticed, it will be a travesty. Betrayal in Blue has it all. Mystery, intrigue, comedy, sadness. You name it, this book will have you wanting more from this fine author. Publish America, get the word on this one out. You're sitting on a gold mine.

betrayal in blue   
       Wow!!! This book has got it going on.. Great plot, twists and turns and above all good insight, after all this is about prison life..This ought to make the best selling list at New York Times.

betrayal in blue   
       Wow!!! This book has got it going on.. Great plot, twists and turns and above all good insight, after all this is about prison life..This ought to make the best selling list at New York Times.

Betrayal in Blue   
Rome, Georgia
       My I extend my sincere gratitude to a fellow Correctional Officer. I knew we were good at something other than keeping an eye on the dregs of society. Fantastic book Mrs. Digges. I'm sure it will go far.

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