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Behind the Red Door
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Behind the Red Door   
Rebecca Ohio/US  (10/30/2006)
       Behind the Red Door is a story of the supernatural and the effect they have on one family’s life. Barbara Watkins weaves a suspenseful tale of a woman and her struggle to protect her sons from the forces of evil. The main character, Nikki, discovers that she and her son have a gift (or curse). The trick will be figuring out which signs to follow. An eerily spun web of nightmares, premonitions and strange occurrences. I could not put it down!

Eric Delaware  (11/30/2005)
       I would just like to say that I not only read BEHIND THE RED DOOR by Barbara Watkins, I absorbed it. What a wonderful and scary novel. I can confer having released two books of my own with two different publishers and now doing interviews concerning my third that I have touched the egg of horror and the aura within the genre of the shell. I conducted a newspaper article today with my old hometown Newspaper in Ephrata Pennsylvania. I live in Delaware but small towns talk. When the interviewer asked me who my favorite authors were I told her many. When she asked me who I liked the most I told her " none of them" I told her Barbara Watkins. She is an aspiring novelist who is talented and able to climb the stairs of your spine. Without giving to much away, I will gladly say that the supernatural elements of this story are " stunning" The book is a corker and tense. I relish the idea of the " Visitors not of this world" not being completley explained. Barbara has showed us where to tell the tale, and where we should tell it for ourselves. The ending to this book was the icing that not only covers the cake, but "chokes" it with flavor. I just hope my new novel just published by PA entitled " THE WORK" grabs the readers like " BEHIND THE RED DOOR" This is a book that M.Night SHamalyn should direct. Barbara Watkins- an answer to prayers.... Five stars baby...five stars...

UK Independent Press   
Bill UK  (9/27/2005)
       Behind The Red Door is a superb, well written story. I picked it up, devoured every word, turning the pages with anticipation. From the first page I was gripped. As I lay in bed reading, a chill traveled the length of my spine! Behind The Red Door reminded me of a Hammer House of Horror tale, with just the right mix of horror, suspense and supernatural! Can't wait to read more BRAVO! Bill Pooler Independent Press United Kingdom

Betsie's Literary Page   
Betsie Florida  (9/18/2005)
       Rating: Highly Recommended Suspenseful and Intriguing! September 12, 2005 Most woman dream of a decent sort of life. One fullfilled by children, a good husband, and possibly a career. Nikkie is one of those fortunate enough to obtain these treasures. But there's something else... Imagine that the only connection to your oldest child is through a series of terrorizing nightmares, which your spouse attributes to an overactive imagination and stress. For Nikkie the nightmares would soon become reality, as her son Michael begins to speak of eerie, yet familiar imaginary friends. Alarmed, the distraught Nikkie calls upon her own mother whom reveals the family secret. That of a power which has been inherited. This becomes both a terrifying and consoling burden to Nikkie as she battles to make sense of the portents that her dreams are revealing. The writing style is quite raw although very entertaining and fast paced. My only two wishes were that there had been more interactions between the characters and the book bigger. Author Barbara Watkins shows great promise in this genre and is certainly a writer to keep an eye on. Behind the Red Door is a suspenseful read with a unique twist at the end... definitely worth picking up! Reviewed by Betsie

Midwest Book Review   
Shirley P. Johnson US  (9/17/2005)
       Nikkie always knew she was different from other children and held that knowledge inside of her even into adulthood. She pushed her strange gift aside most of her life; that is until her three-year old son Michael began to show signs of the same supernatural insights. As the child began to have nightmares, ghostly visits and nearly lost his life, Nikki could not longer ignore the supernatural in their lives. Afraid to confide in her husband, Nikki alarmed and frustrated calls upon her mother who reveals a long family secret of the power that works within them. This becomes both disturbing and comforting to Nikkie as she battles to make sense of the warnings that her dreams are giving her. The storyline is very intriguing, the 'human' characters well defined, but I would have liked to know a few more details about the 'visitors not of this world', and a little more explanation of the gifting Nikki, her mom and her son walked in. However the story certainly keeps you interested with elements such as family interaction, the protection and love of a mother, suspense and supernatural, and has a great ending. I believe you will enjoy this one.

Patricia US  (8/18/2005)
       The gift of 'seeing' ghosts is passed down to Nikki from her mother and grandmother and ultimately to Nikki's son, Michael. These spirits keep watch over the living but very few people can actually sense them. Those that cannot see them believe that those who can are crazy. Nikki has chosen to tune out these ghosts out of fear of being ridiculed or misunderstood. It isn't until her son Michael begins to communicate with them that she remembers her own childhood and the ghosts from her past. Her memories slowly return and with them the realization that the spirits are trying to warn her and her family about an imminent danger. The peril comes at the hands of the living but it is the dead who interfere. Ms. Watkins writes about what so many of us wish was true- that our loved ones watch over us even in death. ISBN: 1-4137-8838-6 Behind the Red Door Author: Barbie Watkins Publisher: Publish America Reviewer- Patricia Perry Quest for the Source of Darkness

"Behind the Red Door"   
Amey Tippett US  (8/13/2005)
       Nikkie is a housewife trying to juggle returning to school and two small children. She has a life she is proud of and a husband she loves very much. Above all, everything is normal. Until her eldest son Michael begins to speak of imaginary friends. At three, Michael is an intelligent and curious little boy. He has the same rambunctious spirit as other boys his age. His parents recognize this, and shelter him from the bad things in his life. But they can’t always shelter him from everything. And, when his nightmares begin to become solid realities, his mother begins to have premonitions. The only way to read “Behind the Red Door” is with the lights on in the middle of the day. Barbara Watkins plunges the reader into the unknown and gives a sense of urgency and fear to her words. Although Watkins does an excellent job of creating the setting for the novel, I found myself wanting more interactions between the characters. Michael and Nikkie were well portrayed, but this amazing story had to have its effects the minor characters in the story as well. Overall, this novel was a thriller from start to finish. It has certainly given me something to think about – and possibly even to fear. Amey S Tippett author of Alison's Journey

Could not put it down!   
Kay ARK  (8/11/2005)
       Once you start to read this book...You will not want to put it down. This ghost story will grab you and keep you in suspense right to the end.

anonymouse missouri/us  (8/7/2005)
       I think this book is great. Definately worth reading again and again!

Lisa MO  (7/26/2005)
       This book was full of suspense and terror. I didn't want to put it down until I had finished.

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