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Our Book of the Week Is...

Flatwoods and Lighterknots
by James Elders

Flatwoods and Lighterknots is a cameo peek into Southern culture as experienced by a young boy who grew up during the years following World War II. The young boy’s experiences are captured in a series of stories that treat people of different backgrounds with tender remembrances of their special contributions to a culture changed by the demands of technological progress. As America moved forward after a long war and subsequent advent of a mobilized society, many people had to change their lives in ways that were often inconvenient, yet necessary in a new age of mass communications and mass confusion. Old ways and traditions gave way to new methods as people, steeped in old customs, began remodeling their lives to meet the challenges of a new era. Yet, there still lingers a deep respect and admiration for the contributions of those who came before us, plowing the furrows of progress.

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