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Our Book of the Week Is...

Third & Grace
by Jody Preister

Imagine facing an abrupt, violent situation, finding yourself suddenly single, approaching fifty, and everything you’ve known for a decade is over, including your career, your income, and your lifestyle. Only the unknown future is certain.

Right from the start, Judy Braxtin is in a precarious position and on a path of survival. A woman of incredible perseverance and faith, she is determined to put the pieces of her life back together and begin again. The path to her new life is strewn with difficult circumstances, memories and obstacles, providing learning experiences that contribute to a newfound strength, increased faith, and the eventual development of her positive self-esteem.

Third & Grace tells of the three men that Judy has committed part or all of her life to, the grace she experiences though acknowledgment of her life’s mistakes, the growth of her strong faith, and the willingness to risk loving again.

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