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"Let the Reader Understand" Matthew 24:15: The Christian's Guide to Understanding Prophecy
Christina M. Cherol
How many times have you tried to read the Bible only to scratch your head and say, “WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT?”

Daniel 7:3-4 Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea. The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground…

When God uses dramatic imagery like this, it can certainly bewilder the reader. Often, people will simply close the Bible and say, “I JUST DON’T GET IT!” But did you know, God promises that you can GET IT?

Like the disciples did, do you ask God these same questions? “What will be the signs of the end of this world? How will we know what to do? How will my family and I be ready for Your second coming?”

In this book, we will answer these important questions. God has hidden a message to His people within the Holy Scriptures. A LIFE-CHANGING WARNING MESSAGE filled with promise and love. If you are ready to understand what God wants you to learn about the last days of Earth’s history, then this book is for you.


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ISBN: 1-4241-4045-5, 159 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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"Noah" Syndrome, The
James H. Jasinski
The story of Noah and the flood is not just a story to tell children at bedtime. Pastor Jasinski compares the story of Noah with the events of today and relates the feelings of Noah to those of the people who are called by God to complete His work. It is both encouraging and uplifting to those who are struggling as pastors or Christian workers, yet it is also a warning to those who will not listen. It may also answer the question that many people have been asking: why hasn’t Jesus returned for His church yet? Read The “Noah” Syndrome, and see if you can see yourself or your family somewhere in the story.

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ISBN: 1-4241-1189-7, James H. Jasinski, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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(Jehovah is Father of) The Child Within
Freda Lieb
This book of poetry was inspired by the work of Jesus Christ. It is about the author’s journey of faith over the course of her lifetime. It reflects her concerns about what is happening in our modern world. It is also a reflection of her life and faith experiences with her family, her church, and her friends. She wrote some of the poems during happy times, but most, she wrote during times of emotional stress, or during moments of sadness or depression. The author has a medical history of depression and found healing through faith and hope in the power of the Living God and through His Gift of Love. As you read this book, perhaps you will be able to relate to Ms. Lieb on a personal level. Perhaps, you will also find hope through faith in Jesus Christ.

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ISBN: 1-58851-716-0, 118 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $19.95 Your Price: $16.95

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Is True?
Jeffrey L. Tuller
“In our changing world where we are given an explanation of, “It happened for a reason” or “It was God’s will,” to explain things we can’t. We, as believers, go to great lengths to protect that which we believe to be the truth. Truth, as does the Bible, has many interpretations.

In order for us to believe in what we believe to be a truth, we must first search our innermost thoughts to rationalize. Only through rationalizing can we discover and be comfortable with our beliefs. Upon discovering our beliefs, we associate and attach them to a religion for validation and protection, religion being defined as group worship, “Power in numbers.” When you truly worship something, you would die or follow someone to their death for a truth, especially when someone has your back, ergo church power and terrorists. Each religion masks the real truth equally.” Nora L. Caulder

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ISBN: 1-4241-0791-1, 182 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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…And Darkness Covered the Land
Deneen K. Berry
This book is intended to restore the lost art of morals and values (Obedience, Faith, Patience, Praising, Listening, Prayer, God First, Submission, Gods Presence, and Trust) to the 21st Century youth through the inspiration of the Holy Word of God. Today’s youth are not only experiencing peer pressure, guns, and alcohol and drug abuse, they are also having to face terrorists, suicide bombers and weapons of mass destruction. Despondency is gripping the hearts of this generation, while rebellion is running rampant.

“…And Darkness Covered the Land” is an ancient scriptural phrase that truly describes the events that have taken place in the world these past few years. As we take our journey through life, we can see a reflection of history from the day of the ‘Crucifixion’ to the day of ‘Sorrows’ on September 11th, 2001. In these two historical days ‘Darkness Covered the Land’ from Jerusalem to the United States of America over a period of many centuries. In our journey of life, whether rich or poor, all of us reach both mountaintops and valleys. The day of the ‘Crucifixion’ and the day of ‘Suffering’ wrought forth tears of agony for what seemed like an eternity. Thousands of searching souls desired to find God through their adversity and sorrow.

Through the past experiences of the journeymen long ago, we will discover the path of life that leads us to a ‘Fulfilling Father’ who yearns to lead us in our daily lives through His established commandments, virtues and ordinances.

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ISBN: 1-4241-2807-2, 126 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $19.95 Your Price: $16.95

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1 Sinners Way
Ryan Lynch
God pursues each of us with passion! He is determined to win us into a love-filled life in His service. Some come obediently, immediately when called, while others ignore God’s preferred path for many years. It was for the strugglers and stragglers that this spiritual autobiography was written. Scripture references and useful prayers are scattered throughout the powerfully honest story of a young man’s journey away from God and back again. Details of a broken marriage, college life unbecoming a Christian, and eventual victory over sin and self-destruction are sure to impact each reader.

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ISBN: 1-4241-1082-3, 69 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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12 Ways To Hug Yourself
Bonnie Block
12 Ways to Hug Yourself is a personal letter from Bonnie Block, a motivational speaker and an award-winning teacher. Through her personal stories, Bonnie shares practical ways to help people become enthusiastic about improving the quality of their everyday lives. The HUGS strategies range from eating something forbidden to the more difficult task of stretching out of a comfort zone. 12 Ways to Hug Yourself will help you recognize ways to develop, maintain and increase the hugs in your life. As you practice living these strategies, you will grow to recognize your self-worth and see yourself as lovable, capable and special. It is the hope that the message received from 12 Ways to Hug Yourself will inspire and motivate you to hug yourself often throughout the day and open your arms and hearts to hug others.

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ISBN: 1-4137-7419-9, 77 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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38 Lessons for Living: Hard and Gentle Insights to Experience Personal Growth
J.M. Gallego and M.A. Saavedra
38 Lessons for Living is a unique self-help book in that it does two particular things: first, it uses real-life experiences as its guide; and second, it adapts martial arts philosophy to a modern world.

This is not a martial arts book at all, but rather uses core martial arts principles to teach practical living skills. Initially, the driving force behind the book was personal. Both authors have had bouts with insecurity, personal finance, and other aspects of the human experience.

Throughout our teaching career, many individuals have crossed our path that came for a variety of reasons—to learn an art form, to relieve stress, to learn discipline and respect, and to become better individuals. This book incorporates all that we have learned in the martial arts arena, and all that we have learned as educators in the area of practical living skills and personal finance. Although the martial arts do not teach material success, they do offer profound teachings and examples that will precipitate success.

This book is particularly important for young people who are just starting adulthood. It offers practical insight into how they can live their lives to the fullest, while understanding their role in society, and ways to manage finances successfully. This book seeks to educate, enlighten, and give direction to individuals wanting to positively change their lives. Each section offers a brief saying, a general explanation, and a reaffirmation quote.

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ISBN: 1-4241-8954-3, J.M. Gallego and M.A. Saavedra pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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40 Days to an Understanding of Demons
T.E. Ferguson Jr., Ph.D
Demons. Evil Spirits. Wayward Souls. Their existence has been debated through the ages. Yet questions still remain. Can you ignore demon spirits in your own life? In the lives of others? Can you rid yourself of their presence or their grasp? 40 Days to an Understanding of Demons seeks to answer these questions and many more. Spirits, both virtuous and evil, are presented for comparison in sequentially arranged chapters. A meditative prayer ends each chapter prompting personal reflection, as well as intellectual investigation. 40 Days to an Understanding of Demons, a literary companion to demon references in the Christian Bible, is an eye-opening journey for readers to the spirit world.

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ISBN: 1-4137-9900-0, 96 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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42nd Generation, The: The X-Generation
Pastor Steve Fabyan
Pastor Fabyan was born in 1974 in Columbus, Ohio. He earned a B.A. in religion from Wittenberg University and was an All-American scholar-athlete at Grove City High School. While prospering as a chaplain/all-star place-kicker for the Ohio Swarm, he heard the call of Jesus over his life for full-time ministry. He then quit his jobs, retired from football, and gave up a chance to play professional football. God has supernaturally provided for everything his family needs ever since, despite not having a salary. Steve believes and preaches that what God has for you is way better than anything the devil will offer you. He believes that obedience to the Holy Ghost is the key to living a truly peaceful, joyful life, no matter what the cost, which means leading empty, hopeless, hell-bound souls to everlasting eternal life through Christ is the most important thing in life. Steve believes and teaches that living a submitted lifestyle to Jesus is the only way to walk in dominion and power on this earth. This book is a book about this same kind of radical faith, how to walk in it, and the manifestation of the sons of God.

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ISBN: 1-4241-5897-4, 88 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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