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"JIREH": Provision in Chaos
Dawn E. Collins
There is much talk these days concerning the unveiling and fulfilling of one’s purpose. The atmosphere is charged with expectancy as we sense the final chapters of this present age rapidly and prophetically drawing to a close. Something of biblical and monumental proportion is on the horizon and those with unbridled vision refuse to be left standing on the sidelines watching. Yet many are failing to appropriate the abundant life which accompany fulfilled purpose or destiny. The cares of this world often choke and suffocate the ability to mature through the process.

By example, “JIREH” encourages the reader to press through the persistent adversities of life, on to the victory of discovering divine destiny and purpose. The distraction of lost battles along the way only serves to camouflage sure and certain victory on the other side. The way has not been lost, but rather the course divinely charted.

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ISBN: 1-4241-1320-2, 79 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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"Let the Reader Understand" Matthew 24:15: The Christian's Guide to Understanding Prophecy
Christina M. Cherol
How many times have you tried to read the Bible only to scratch your head and say, “WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT?”

Daniel 7:3-4 Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea. The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground…

When God uses dramatic imagery like this, it can certainly bewilder the reader. Often, people will simply close the Bible and say, “I JUST DON’T GET IT!” But did you know, God promises that you can GET IT?

Like the disciples did, do you ask God these same questions? “What will be the signs of the end of this world? How will we know what to do? How will my family and I be ready for Your second coming?”

In this book, we will answer these important questions. God has hidden a message to His people within the Holy Scriptures. A LIFE-CHANGING WARNING MESSAGE filled with promise and love. If you are ready to understand what God wants you to learn about the last days of Earth’s history, then this book is for you.


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ISBN: 1-4241-4045-5, 159 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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"Noah" Syndrome, The
James H. Jasinski
The story of Noah and the flood is not just a story to tell children at bedtime. Pastor Jasinski compares the story of Noah with the events of today and relates the feelings of Noah to those of the people who are called by God to complete His work. It is both encouraging and uplifting to those who are struggling as pastors or Christian workers, yet it is also a warning to those who will not listen. It may also answer the question that many people have been asking: why hasn’t Jesus returned for His church yet? Read The “Noah” Syndrome, and see if you can see yourself or your family somewhere in the story.

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ISBN: 1-4241-1189-7, James H. Jasinski, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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"Perfect" Size, The: An Eating Disordered Tale of Winning the Anorexic War One Battle at a Time
Marian Rae Fortier
“Marian’s life circumstances led her on a journey that resulted in many complexes that she has had to endure, including both an eating disorder and body dysphormic disorder. Despite her many misfortunes, her style of writing compels us to keep reading. Her book truly is a page turner. Marian has worked with diligence through the years on a daily basis to overcome what has plagued her mind. Through her story she hopes to inspire others with eating disorders and their loved ones, and bring them a sense of hope to counter the dark cloud that lingers over an eating-disordered person.”

—Kathy Musco, LCSW, Certified Advanced Children, Youth and Family Social Worker, Certified School Social Worker

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ISBN: 1-60563-806-4, 59 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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“…All the Sparks Fly Up!”
Lawrence W. Thomason
“…All the Sparks Fly Up!” is a fictional comedy spiritual drama, centering around three African American airmen who are stationed in Vietnam during the conflict. They are placed in an untenable situation—ostensibly fighting for the freedom of a foreign people while leaving and then hearing about the struggle of their people back home, who are fighting for their freedom during the height of the ’60s Civil Rights revolution. This is not a war story, but a story that exposes the lies and tactics of our real and invisible enemy, an enemy that divides us all—black, white, brown and yellow—through the temptations of selfishness and greed as it rages for the souls of mankind against the powers of light. From their outward appearance, the three appear to be very different from each other, but unbeknownst to them, they are three pieces of a puzzle that will finally come together. Although this is a fictional story, many events are real occurrences based on the author’s life experiences, so the language is real, the humor is crass, but slowly the story evolves to a higher plane as did many of our lives.

Softcover [$21.95] 

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ISBN: 1-4137-7522-5, 288 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $27.95 Your Price: $21.95

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10 New Ways in 10 New Days; The On-Site Apartment Manager's Motivational Guide
Merilyn Maguire
This is the book you have been waiting for. From the moment you open it until you put it down, you will find its candid, straightforward approach both motivating and inspirational. It is concise and easy to read, and in the words of the author: “Although I obtained my real estate license and other qualifications in this industry and attended seminars and meetings, there was still a gap in my knowledge. I would have been a more effective manager and would have made my companies more money had I had access to a book such as this!” As each of the chapters address a different topic, anyone who reads this will in ten days increase their effectiveness in ten ways.Topics covered include:• Getting the Most from Our Job, • Motivation, • Resident Retention, • Vendors and Maintenance, • Our Property Management Company or Owner. This is a must for every apartment manager, and it is a must for anyone in the industry who wants to motivate his or her staff.

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ISBN: 1-4137-3528-2, 48 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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12 Months to Christmas Meeting with the King, The
Shirley Familetti
This book was called to prepare us for our meeting with our King and Lord Jesus, who is coming back soon. This book contains things that each and every one needs to reflect and think upon that need to be changed in our hearts and lives to bring us to a place where we are ready to come face to face with our Savior, and have peace in our hearts if we were called home today. We know whose arms we are going to be resting in for all eternity…

May this book bless you and open up the eyes of your understanding of who you are in Christ Jesus…

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ISBN: 1-4241-4312-8, 51 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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12 Ways To Hug Yourself
Bonnie Block
12 Ways to Hug Yourself is a personal letter from Bonnie Block, a motivational speaker and an award-winning teacher. Through her personal stories, Bonnie shares practical ways to help people become enthusiastic about improving the quality of their everyday lives. The HUGS strategies range from eating something forbidden to the more difficult task of stretching out of a comfort zone. 12 Ways to Hug Yourself will help you recognize ways to develop, maintain and increase the hugs in your life. As you practice living these strategies, you will grow to recognize your self-worth and see yourself as lovable, capable and special. It is the hope that the message received from 12 Ways to Hug Yourself will inspire and motivate you to hug yourself often throughout the day and open your arms and hearts to hug others.

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ISBN: 1-4137-7419-9, 77 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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120 Days of God's Diet (No), Devotional (No), Restoration Routine for Plump Gals That Want to Better Themselves!
Cathy Barton
This book is supposed to be used by chubby chicks that want a huge change in their lives. This is not a diet book because the author hates talking about diets! The easiest part of this venture may be losing weight. The goal for every day is to read a section of the book and meditate on it and then accomplish the challenge presented to you. The author has literally dropped open the Bible for 120 days and plucked out interesting information to aid both the readers and herself to push herself and them forward to become the hot mommas that they truly want to be. Cathy, the author, is not a Bible theologian; she is a regular old gal following some suggestions from God’s book. She loves God and had an idea put into her head to follow some of His ideas for fullness…and it worked!

Softcover [$21.95] 

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ISBN: 1-60703-150-7, 255 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $27.95 Your Price: $21.95

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21 Days with Dad: My 25-Day Adventure to All Four Corners of the United States
Dennis Lindey
Last summer my Dad and I rode our motorcycles to all four corners of the United States. This is the story of our trip.

After Mom passed away, I became aware of the limit that time places on all relationships. Growing up, Dad and I were never close. Conscious of the time I may or may not have left with him and hoping for a better relationship, I decided to take this trip with Dad. We began the trip working and riding together. The friction between us grew, eventually coming to a breaking point. When Dad forced me to choose between him and my wife…I left him lying in a motel bed and rode 2800 miles to home, by myself. If you’ve ever wrestled with a thorny relationship you’ll identify with my hopes and my challenges.

This is a trip that calls to your adventurous side! And you’ll enjoy seeing the United States through the unique perspective of a motorcycle rider. I battle the weather while I approach the limits of my bike, my body, my mind and my faith. Take the journey with me….

Softcover [$19.95] 

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ISBN: 1-60441-150-3, 248 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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