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"41" for Freedom: The FBM Experience
Dale Schoepflin
This account has been written to recognize those silent warriors who quietly sailed on the unseen deterrent force that was largely instrumental in breaking the back of the Soviet Union, and ending 40-plus years of Cold War fear. These 41 “boats” of the Silent Service Fleet have now passed on into the annals of the anonymous, much as have many of the men who went to sea in them, for that is what submarines and submariners too often do.

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ISBN: 1-4137-6734-6, 225 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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"So We Move Along…" :The Diaries of Lewis and Jacob L. Engelbrecht, 1882--1896
Historical Society of Frederick County
In 1818, Jacob Engelbrecht began recording events in and around Frederick, Maryland, in his diary. For nearly sixty years, he maintained a seamless chronicle of events, both important and trivial. First published by the Historical Society of Frederick County in 1976, his diary continues to serve as an essential resource for anyone studying life in Maryland in the nineteenth century.

When Jacob Engelbrecht died in 1878, various family members took over the project of continuing his civic diary. His son, Philip, made a few entries, but he died within months of his father. Several more entries are contained at the end of the original diary, and Jacob’s grandson, Lewis W. Engelbrecht, seems to be responsible for most of them.

A few years later, Lewis, now twenty-three years old, stepped into the breach and started a new ledger, continuing the project from 1882 to 1891. He died prematurely of Bright’s disease at the beginning of 1891, and his younger brother, Jacob L., took over the pen. Young Jacob was only seventeen years old, but he kept the diary for five years, until the beginning of 1896.

Both authors understood their task to be a continuation of the work of their grandfather and followed his style and form to a certain extent. Lewis began his work by calling it a continuation of his grandfather’s diary and repeated its opening sentence. Jacob L. began his section with a reference to his grandfather and an ambitious pledge to continue the work to the end of his days.

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ISBN: 1-4137-8984-6, 353 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $29.95 Your Price: $24.95

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1863: Year of Lost Opportunities
Stan Grocki
1863: Year of Lost Opportunities is a provocative look at that years campaign and the battle at Gettysburg. The author raises many questions about the principle protagonists and the methods they employed during that fateful year. The handling of their armies by both the Union and the Confederate leaders is given close scrutiny, and the numerous shortcomings of each are noted. This supposedly decisive campaign was far less than that. Lee’s army was beaten, but not defeated. Meade’s army was victorious, but only in the sense that it prevented Lee from achieving his aims. The Union victory was far from decisive. The normally brilliant Lee was unable to achieve the full coordination of his forces that was so desperately needed at that time. General Meade, newly appointed to command the Union Army of The Potomac only days before the battle, suffered from the malaise that infected most Union generals. They were afraid of Lee and his ability to turn an impending defeat into a resounding victory.

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ISBN: 1-59129-359-6, 264 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $27.95 Your Price: $21.95

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20th Century, The: The Experiences of a Politically Active Eastern European Family
Richard F. Giedroyc
This book is a byproduct of the author’s research into his family’s history. Due to the placement of people at either the right or the wrong place at a moment in history, the accounts of their experiences help recount events. What is unusual about this book is that sufficient eyewitness or secondary accounts involving people with this surname have survived. No other history book has ever used such a far-flung surname to illustrate history. The author tries to be careful not to over-emphasize the importance of this family, yet presents a personal side to historic events. This is a general history book meant to explain major events of the 20th century and how they impacted most of the world. The book concentrates on nations that dominated the political landscape, also using two nations heavily impacted by the activities of their larger neighbor for supporting information. For this reason the United States, Russia (and Soviet Union), Lithuania, and Poland are the major thrust of the story.

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ISBN: 1-4137-3765-X, 180 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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24 MAU: 1983: A Marine Looks Back at the Peacekeeping Mission to Beirut, Lebanon
Glenn E. Dolphin
Throughout the 1980s, Glenn Dolphin served as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. During that turbulent time there was no more dangerous place in the world than the chaotic and fractured city of Beirut, Lebanon. In 1983, Beirut was ruled by private militias, Islamic fundamentalism and state-sponsored terrorism. It was into this explosive environment that the Twenty-Fourth Marine Amphibious Unit was sent to accomplish a mission for which no Marine unit had ever been trained to do: “provide a presence…keep the peace.” In a direct, personal manner, Dolphin details the day-to-day lives, struggles and courageous acts of the Marines and Sailors of the 24 MAU. This personal narrative includes a powerful eyewitness account of the infamous bombing of the Marine barracks on October 23, 1983.

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ISBN: 1-4137-8501-8, 269 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $27.95 Your Price: $21.95

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88 Days
Bryon Van Fleet
As World War II drew to a close in Europe, the Germans emptied out their prison camps and began a death march across Europe. Nearly a million men struggled through the ordeal that varied from five hundred to a thousand miles, through the worst winter in memory. Food had to be scrounged or stolen, and men died by the thousands. Amazingly, this is the least-known major event of World War II. Even most veterans of that war have never heard of this barbaric event. Invariably, when people hear the term “death march” they think of Bataan, yet the European Death March involved far more men, over a much longer route, through an unbelievably brutal winter. 88 Days tells the true story of Clem Pine, who flew 29 missions as the tail gunner on a B-17 before being shot down, imprisoned in Stalag Luft 4, and then surviving the death march for 88 days.

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ISBN: 1-4137-7044-4, 184 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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A Troop, 9th Cavalry: The Boldest Cavalrymen the World Has Ever Known
Ronald Lee Christopher
This is a true accounting of the day-to-day and night-to-night operations, the patrolling, the major battles, the insects and the total exhaustion of a hand full of combat troopers.

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ISBN: 1-59129-364-2, 250 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $27.95 Your Price: $21.95

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Aardvarks and Rangers
Jim Roper
Jim Roper’s second book is another intense military memoir written like an action novel. He begins in a warm and dry F-111 cockpit, then descends into the cold and wet misery of the infantry. As in Quoth the Raven, Jim takes you into the shadowy domain of special operations. When the Air Force threatens to convert the fighter pilot protagonist into a chair-bound bureaucrat, his warrior identity responds. Jim grabs a liaison job with the Army’s elite Rangers and learns the meaning of hooah: hello, good-bye, yes, I agree, anything but no. Culture clashes inject authentic humor and suspense into this true story of modern American warriors. Colorful characters dominate a risk-taking world where Jim dashes supersonic over remote deserts and slogs armpit-deep in dark swamps with the First Ranger Battalion. Finally, Jim shows you the chaos of the short-notice parachute jump into combat on Grenada, Operation Urgent Fury.

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ISBN: 1-4137-0679-7, 285 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $27.95 Your Price: $21.95

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Above All Else
Ronald Lee Christopher
The basic mission of the Army during the Vietnam War was to find ‘em and fix ‘em and kill ‘em. By 1966, many units still had not formally established the recon unit that was necessary to fulfill the “find ‘em” part of the mission. The Cavalry could not be included in this group as it did not possess the Div level recon asset that was thought by some to be necessary. Under difficult conditions, an LRRP team had to be organized and its personnel trained to possess the skills necessary to survive in the enemy’s backyard and return alive. This is the story of the creation of the 1st Cav Division LRRP, the training of its members, and the successful mounting of the first missions, which were required for the survival of this ground-breaking unit. This book is also a testament to men such as Ron Christopher, who had the perseverance, determination and the skills required to organize the LRRP, train its team members, and run those first missions that established the practicality of the 1st Cavalry Division LRRP.

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ISBN: 1-59286-855-X, 293 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $27.95 Your Price: $21.95

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Abraham and the Middle East Today
M. E. Rosson, Ph.D.
Why are we fighting a war in the Middle East? Will this war ever end? How can we change the hearts and minds of people who have been programmed to hate us? How did all this start? All of these questions and more will be answered in this book. Read the history of Abraham from the Koran and the Bible. Find out why two half-brothers began fighting and why this battle is still going on today! M. E. Rosson asks Christians the hard questions as to why we are fighting and killing our enemies when Jesus told us a different way! Can Christians support the defense of our country and still support a war that kills thousands of people? How do I witness to my Jewish and Islamic friends without offending them? Abraham and the Middle East Today will answer these questions and more.

Softcover [$14.95] 

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ISBN: 1-4241-7421-X, 99 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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