James L. Wright

Anne Perry Reviews PA Book Anne Perry, arguably the most important international best-selling author of historical crime fiction, has read and reviewed Martha Place by Stedman Mays. Ms. Perry said she "found it very moving."
St. Anthony Messenger Plumbing In Harlem by Joe Benevento, was reviewed in the February issue of St. Anthony Messenger, one of the most important Catholic magazines in the country, with a subscription base of over 350,000. Reviewer Christopher Heffron said, "Plumbing In Harlem is crammed with moments of beauty and memory, Each complex character, quirky episode or line of dialogue is infused with life, pathos and genuine humor. (Rarely has this reviewer laughed aloud from the pages of a book. Benevento's story can be blamed for several such outbursts.) Benevento's book is a photo album put into words."
The Dr. Laura Program Dr. Laura has requested a review copy of Michelle Bailey Whiting's poetry book As a Woman.
Asked For Interview - Got Own Radio Show Cray Donnelly, author of Laudanum contacted the program manager of a new radio station in Cincinnati asking to be interviewed. By the end of the conversation, Cray was asked to host his own show and also write scripts for other shows.
Marie Osmond Marie Osmond chatted with Donna Marie, author of Love For Angela, on her radio talk show, "Marie and Friends". They talked about being moms and finding their own creativity in the midst of their hectic lives.
Chicken Soup Book Inclusion Jennifer Oliver, author of "Four Ears: Works of Heart," received a letter informing her that one of her short stories will appear in the upcoming book, Chicken Soup to Inspire a Woman's Soul, and will be out in September of this year.
Chicken Soup Book Inclusion Perry Perkins, author of Just Past Oysterville, has one of his essays published in Chicken Soup to Inspire the Body and Soul. It is the first story in the book!
Pikes Peak Writers Conference Award Jim Roper, author of Aardvarks and Rangers, won an award at the annual Pikes Peak Writers Conference. During the conference, the guest speaker, Robert Crais, author of the Elvis Cole detective series, received notice that his latest manuscript had been purchased by Bruce Willis for one million dollars. The name of that book: "Hostage." Opening soon in a theater near you.
The O'Reilly Factor and Fox Radio Larry Garza, author of The Destruction of the Veil of Islam, appeared on The O'Reilly Factor discussing the upcoming elections in Iraq. Mr. Garza was also interviewed on Fox Radio in Washington, D.C. by National Journalist J.D.Balart.
Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm of Michigan Barbara Spring (The Dynamic Great Lakes) has received a personal letter from Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm of Michigan: "Please accept my sincere appreciation for the autographed copy of your book, The Dynamic Great Lakes. I am very much looking forward to reading it and sharing it with the Director Of The Great Lakes, Ken DeBeaussaert. I commend you for your involvement and interest. Your dedication and hard work helps make Michigan an ideal place to live, play, and raise a family."
Former President Clinton and Harry Browne Former President Clinton has agreed to read CL Gammon's upcoming release Hail to the Chief: The Presidency by the Numbers. Additionally, Harry Browne, the 1996 and 2000 Libertarian Party nominee for President, sent author CL Gammon a personal note saying he wants a copy of his book too.
Naval Aviation Magazine Dr. Patrick J. Pacalo, Capt., Ph.D., author of Cold Warfare, will be mentioned in the prestigious Naval Aviation Magazine.
John Gray Carolyn A. Redford, author of The Healing Power of Poetry met John Gray, author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus at a party and presented him with a copy of her book. She then received a note from Mr. Gray: "Hi Carolyn, I had a chance to read most of your beautiful book of poems. It was fun, touching and inspirational. Best wishes, john gray."
Mike Ditka The head coach of the 1986 Bears Super Bowl-winning team, Mike Ditka, recently wrote the foreword to One Last Drive by Cutter Lang. "Cutter Lang really knows his football," states the coach!
The $100,000 Scholarship Day in Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle proclaimed October 11, 2004, as "The $100,000 Scholarship Day" in Hawaii, and encouraged all residents to join in celebrating Wayne Y. Fujita's newly released publication, "The $100,000 Scholarship." The official Proclamation was signed at the Hawaii State Capital in the Executive Chambers on September 21, 2004.
Actress Ann Palmer Signs With PA PublishAmerica is proud to announce that Ann Palmer has signed with PublishAmerica to publish her book, Letters to the Dead. Ms. Palmer is an acclaimed film and television star. She has starred in movies such as, Cleopatra, Mail Order Bride, and Love with a Proper Stranger. Ms. Palmer was also on General Hospital for twelve years. Other television appearances include The Bold and the Beautiful and an interview on The Sally Jesse Raphael Show. Ms. Palmer now spends most of her time as a producer, running a film casting business and teaching students of the arts.
R. Lee Ermey Joe ''Tuffy'' Tofuri, author of Tuffy's Heroes, received a personal phone call from famed actor R. Lee Ermey, who told Mr. Tofuri how much he enjoyed reading his novel. An animated film studio has been asking Mr. Ermey to do a humorous, animated weekly TV series with a Marine Drill Instructor as the main character. Mr. Ermey loves the book so much he would like to base the series on the book and retain Mr. Tofuri as the technical advisor and a staff writer. Finally, Mr. Ermey asked Mr. Tofuri to begin transforming Tuffy's Heroes into a screenplay to be presented to the production company.
TV Documentary to Include Author's Book "Dorothy From Kansas Meets the Wizard of X," by Linda Alexander, has been used as a primary research tool for a British TV documentary on the adult film world. This non-pornographic, human interest documentary is set to air on British TV in early 2005.
UNICEF Femi Olawole, author of The Price of a Reckless Past received a congratulatory letter from UNICEF. The book's primary theme (sexuality education) has been recognized to reveal UNICEF's contribution to prevent/eradicate some of the social epidemics that afflict young people in the global community. The letter was signed by Ms. Carol Bellamy, the organization's Executive Director.
National Magazine Features In Search of the Robin by Linda Doty will be featured in two national bird magazines: Bird Times in April and Bird Talk in May. Dean Koontz and Clive Barker Eric J. Obmann, author of October 31st, recieved thank you letters for his novel from both Dean Koontz and Clive Barker. He has also been interviewed by KSQX-FM in Texas and has been told he would be interviewed two more times after the novel's release date.
CNBC Lynn Hartz appeared on CNBC for an interview following Martha Stewart's arrival at Alderson Federal Womens Prison. Ms. Hartz details her personal experiences within the Alderson Federal Womens Prison in her book Club Fed.
Tom Hanks Chris Panos author of Double Agent, announces that movie star Debra Paget read Double Agent and How You Can Have A Miracle Ministry, saying she "could not put it down." Movie star Mary Stuart Masterson has read God's Spy. And movie Star Tom Hanks is looking at God's Spy as a possible movie.
Pat Conroy Pat Conroy, author of such greats as The Prince of Tides, The Great Santini, Beach Music and The Water Is Wide said he would be delighted to get a copy of Tony Pearson's upcoming book, Wesley Harris and the Rotten Patterson Kids.
Lt. Col. Oliver North Brigadier General Stephen G. Warren, USMC-Retired received a personal letter from Lt. Col. Oliver North telling him that he is sending Flying Into Combat With Heroes: World War II, Korea, Vietnam and Terrorism to his producer for his television show, "War Stories."
Laura Bush Fallon Lak sent a copy of Torn Apart to Laura Bush and received a nice thank you note and an autographed picture in return.
Van Gogh Gallery The prestigious online Van Gogh Gallery in Toronto, Canada, has posted "Van Gogh's Peasant" and a very nice review. The Van Gogh Gallery has had over 8 million visitors since its inception.
ForeWord Magazine's 2003 Book Of The Year Awards Julie Donner Andersen, author of Parentally Insane: Insights From The Edge...of Midlife! was notified that her first book, PAST: Perfect! PRESENT: Tense! Insights From One Woman's Journey As The Wife of a Widower has been chosen as a finalist for Foreword Magazine's 2003 Book Of The Year Awards in the category of self-help.
Chicken Soup Book Inclusion Nelson O. Ottenhausen, author of Civil War II received a telephone call from the publisher of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books, informing him that they had accepted his short story, A Fish Story. It will appear in the upcoming book, Chicken Soup for the Fisherman's Soul and will be out in May of this year. Notable authors in this edition are two US ex-presidents, Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush, as well as my old boss, General H. Norman Schwarzkopf.
Spyglass Entertainment The film production company, Spyglass Entertainment, is interested in reading the novel, Sweet Or Sour Cream, It's All A Matter Of Choice, by Lehuaokalani Kane, for possible consideration for a future film project. Sweet Or Sour Cream, It's All A Matter Of Choice, also received an Author's Award at the 38th Annual Local Authors Exhibit 2004 in San Diego CA. The book is to be kept on exhibit at the downtown main public library.
Laura Bush Leslie A. Neilson, author of Secret Hearts recently sent First Lady, Laura Bush a copy of their book Secret Hearts and has received a thank you note for Mrs. Bush.
Chuck Swindoll and Steve Brown Chuck Swindoll, of Insight For Living and Steve Brown, of Key Life Ministries are both open to reading Bill Kelsall's upcoming book entitled Getting The Loving Family You Want - To Live With! and possibly marketing it through their global radio programs.
NPR Interview Noel Tramontana, author of Colored Glass, completed an hour long interview on National Public Radio.
35th Annual Book Festival Roberta Schultz Benor's new book, "How to Succeed in Parenting: 120 Ways to Have a Great Family" has been included in the prestigious 35th Annual Book Festival at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington in Rockville, Maryland. Ms. Benor will be a speaker at the festival on November 12, 2004.
National Fire & Rescue Magazine Dr. Doug Hanson author of the PA published book, "The Eider Files" A Search for a New Breed of Bioterrorism Weapon, was one of four experts who participated, by invitation, in the recent "Counterterrorism Roundtable" held by National Fire & Rescue magazine. Each expert gave his opinion on a series of question dealing with terrorism and national security.
Mike McConnell Mike McConnell interviewed Joby McGowan, author of Teaching on Poverty Rock. The show aired on many radio stations including 700 WLW in Cincinnati.
James Buchanan's Wheatland and Meridian Hill Park Milton Stern, author of the upcoming book America's Bachelor President and The First Lady has been asked by the Executive Director of James Buchanan's Wheatland to conduct a tour of Meridian Hill Park in Washington, DC, and discuss restoration of James Buchanan's Statue in the park. They have also invited Mr. Stern to do a reading and book signing at Wheatland once his book is released.
Voice of America The Voice of America interview for Joyce S. Anderson's book, Courage In High Heels, took place on Monday, April 19 and was broadcast on Tuesday April 20.
Los Angeles Times Festival of the Book Publish America author Steven Paul Leiva ("Blood is Pretty") has been included in a new coffee table book which made its debut at the recent Los Angeles Times Festival of the Book. Louis M. Jason's Literary Celebrity Doodles features 167 autographs and doodles from such authors as Kurt Vonnegut, Norman Mailer, Anne Rice, Ray Bradbury, James Patterson, Amy Tan, Robert B. Parker, Jane Smiley, Mary Higgins Clarke, Harlan Ellison, and Michael Chabon. Leiva was both surprised and pleased to find that he and his doodle had been included in the book, and hopes that the old adage, "You are known by the company you keep," proves to be the very measure of Truth.
PA Book in House of Representatives A signed copy of Secret of the Circle by Glenn Haertlein has been officially received by U.S. Representative Jim DeMint of South Carolina.
Dean Koontz Dean Koontz has agreed to read the proofs of Nick Lewis' book In the Beginning.
Michael Shaara Award For Civil War Fiction Silver Eagles by Nick Korolev has been nominated for the 2003 Michael Shaara Award For Civil War Fiction and the prestigious Paterson Fiction Award.
Brian May of Queen Rock N' Roll Hall Of Famer Brian May, founder and lead guitarist of the rock group Queen, has requested a copy of James B. Carter's novel Crusaders Of The Machine: The Everworld Star.
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