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"Cass": A True Story of Alcoholism and Its Effect on the Alcoholic and the Family
Maxine Cassidy-Watson
I wrote the story “Cass” after my husband, Robert Cassidy, passed away December 23, 1989. “Cass” was a special man to everyone who knew him.

The title “Cass” is from his good friend, Charlie Clancy. They had been friends for many years. Charlie called him “Cass” and I thought that special name was for a special friendship, so the title was born. I know this story will help others with problems of alcohol or drugs. The alcoholic is only part of the hurt. There is a family that loves the alcoholic. We were a happy family that loved a lot, so the hurt was a lot. I know without support from family and friends and, most of all, God, my children and I could not have gone through this. My prayer is that anyone reading “Cass” will receive hope. Bob’s favorite saying was, “There is hope as long as there is breath.”

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ISBN: 1-60563-095-0, 48 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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$100,000 Scholarship, The: Middle School Prep
Wayne Y. Fujita
The average private college costs $27,677 a year, an amount many parents cannot afford. Scholarships, tuition waivers and early planning (while your child is in middle school) are the keys to affordability. This book provides a clear, step-by-step system to awaken your child’s interest in learning and to help you with financial-building secrets. Your child will want to study, be a leader and serve your community, and you will be able to provide for college expenses without being overwhelmed. We’ve organized the necessary steps for you to take with our “College Prep Contract,” which is similar to a corporate executive bonus agreement. In addition, you will learn what the various scholarship programs expect and what you can do today to get ready. You’ll also discover several key decisions that must be made during middle school that you won’t want to miss. Gain the winning scholarship edge with The $100,000 Scholarship.

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ISBN: 1-4137-3046-9, 181 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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...And Sarah Made Three
Robbi Gough Atkins
In writing this book I came to realize that everyone has a story to tell. …And Sarah Made Three started for me as a private journal of my childhood memories and of those who touched my life. I only wish it was possible to fit them all in! Upon completion of the story, I felt there was much more to it than a simple autobiography of an unknown author. …And Sarah Made Three is a true, humorous tale of growing up in a simpler, happier time of life and love, family and friends, and is a tale of what is perhaps the most precious treasure we all possess within us-our memories. I hope everyone who reads this story will not only take pleasure in it, but come to a new appreciation of their own lives as well. Enjoy it all! It goes by fast.

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ISBN: 1-4137-3671-8, 48 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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1001 Natural Logical Consequences: Specific Solutions to Help Kids Behave
Madalyn Skiles
Madalyn Skiles has worked caring for the needs of behaviorally challenged young people since 1977. She and her husband have worked in specialized foster care, developed and owned a residential group home for children with problematic behaviors, and supervised and trained therapeutic foster parents. Madalyn has cared for well over sixty children during those years. She is a teacher for MAPPS and Getting It Right; both nationally accepted trainings that incorporate ways to help children manage their behavior without corporal punishment.

Madalyn realized years ago that knowing a better way to handle a situation and practicing it in the heat of a battle are very different things. So the book was an outgrowth of that knowledge. It places at the fingertips of the harried parent consequences that are both for willing and unwilling children. Set up in a recipe format, any parent can look up the problem behavior and instantly have many consequences from which to choose. In this way parents can encourage the correct behavior without engaging in a battle.

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ISBN: 1-4241-5696-3, 238 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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101 Things To Do With Your Kids: Practical Tips for Raising Small Children
Henry G. Brechter
101 Things To Do With Your Kids is an original and often humorous help guide to parenting. This book offers practical tips for raising young children, almost all of which don’t cost money. It’s a book about real-life experience that’s full of ideas, with plenty of wit, wisdom, and brutal honesty.

101 Things is about being unremarkable and ordinary with your children. It’s about being focused, forthright, and a bit emotional. It’s also about finding ways to inspire your kids to learn and to read. It’s about making the most of what you have, like using junk mail and old calendars. It’s about maximizing the time you have with your kids to nurture and love them more fully. And finally, it’s about putting all things in perspective and preparing kids to prepare for change.

Written by a certified father, husband, parent, and friend, who has survived in the child-rearing trenches of Middle America, 101 Things is a resourceful tool for use through alternating times of frustration and accomplishment.

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ISBN: 1-4241-3565-6, 124 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Retail Price: $19.95 Your Price: $16.95

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12 Ways To Hug Yourself
Bonnie Block
12 Ways to Hug Yourself is a personal letter from Bonnie Block, a motivational speaker and an award-winning teacher. Through her personal stories, Bonnie shares practical ways to help people become enthusiastic about improving the quality of their everyday lives. The HUGS strategies range from eating something forbidden to the more difficult task of stretching out of a comfort zone. 12 Ways to Hug Yourself will help you recognize ways to develop, maintain and increase the hugs in your life. As you practice living these strategies, you will grow to recognize your self-worth and see yourself as lovable, capable and special. It is the hope that the message received from 12 Ways to Hug Yourself will inspire and motivate you to hug yourself often throughout the day and open your arms and hearts to hug others.

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ISBN: 1-4137-7419-9, 77 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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200 Reasons I Love You
Author Anonymous
For thousands of years, men have memorialized the women they love through books, poems and sonnets. From King Solomon to Shakespeare, men have poured out their passion to the objects of their affection. 200 Reasons I Love You continues this tradition. It is the result of one man’s quest to articulate, in a way that he has not done before, the deep feelings of love and appreciation he has for his wife. This strikingly expressive work is sometimes humorous, sometimes sensual, and always mysterious because of the author’s decision to compose it without his wife’s knowledge, his refusal to tell her about it, and his steadfast belief that when his wife eventually does read it, she will know 200 Reasons I Love You was written for her.

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ISBN: 1-4137-4566-0, 53 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.95

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21 Days with Dad: My 25-Day Adventure to All Four Corners of the United States
Dennis Lindey
Last summer my Dad and I rode our motorcycles to all four corners of the United States. This is the story of our trip.

After Mom passed away, I became aware of the limit that time places on all relationships. Growing up, Dad and I were never close. Conscious of the time I may or may not have left with him and hoping for a better relationship, I decided to take this trip with Dad. We began the trip working and riding together. The friction between us grew, eventually coming to a breaking point. When Dad forced me to choose between him and my wife…I left him lying in a motel bed and rode 2800 miles to home, by myself. If you’ve ever wrestled with a thorny relationship you’ll identify with my hopes and my challenges.

This is a trip that calls to your adventurous side! And you’ll enjoy seeing the United States through the unique perspective of a motorcycle rider. I battle the weather while I approach the limits of my bike, my body, my mind and my faith. Take the journey with me….

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ISBN: 1-60441-150-3, 248 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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According to Sam
R. Clayton Lewis
According to Sam, an engaging novel, tells of Sam, a Depression baby, growing up on the family farm in Green Field, Horry County, South Carolina, with a father who has difficulty accepting his son because he wants to teach rather than farm. Sam’s encounters with people in grade school, Edisto Military School, college, the Army, and his career keep the book moving.

National and international affairs affecting Sam’s life are told. He and Millie marry while he is at Fort Bragg; their son is born eleven months later while Sam is returning to civilian life and experiencing new challenges. The stresses of working, caring for elderly parents, and keeping peace in the family are addressed.

Retiring and moving to Charlotte, Sam and Millie experience health problems but manage to travel some with their grandsons. Accepting erectile dysfunction is difficult for Sam until he finds relief through vacuum erection therapy.

Softcover [$24.95] 

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ISBN: 1-4241-0536-6, 326 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $29.95 Your Price: $24.95

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Adoption: An Open, Semi-Open or Closed Practice?
Gisela Gasper Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald is both a biological and adoptive mother and in this memoir examines the pros and cons of open, semi-open, and closed adoption practices from the point of view of adoptees, birthmothers, and adoptive parents. The adoption in 1969 of the author’s four-day-old daughter was closed, and Fitzgerald’s family only emerged from the dark woods of secrecy when her daughter’s birthmother and extended family met up with them twenty-nine years later. This wonderful joining of the respective families has enriched everyone’s life, including that of the grandchildren. Today, Fitzgerald is passionately opposed to closed adoptions and advocates the semi-open practice.

Softcover [$19.95] 

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ISBN: 1-59286-913-0, 196 pages, 6 x 9

Retail Price: $24.95 Your Price: $19.95

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