DEAth Conspiracy: A Lancer, Inc. Novel
by Andrea Zug
Mike and Angela Lancer have another case and it becomes personal when Mike's brothers are targeted by the Drug Enforcement Administration for dealing drugs on the water. The boys are scallopers who work out of the docks in Seaford, Virginia. Although his brothers are far from angels, Mike finds it difficult to believe they could be involved.
Upon arrival in Virginia the Lancers learn that undercover DEA agent Sam Jeffers has been murdered- his body dumped into the flower garden at the Hampton Yacht Club.
When Mike contacts and old friend, Daniel Crockett, an operative within the DEA, he hopes to bring the case to a close.
Rival gangs and a kidnaping add to the suspense as the Lancers draw closer to uncovering the facts. Unlikely heroes Pork Mcelhinny, Joe Kaufhold and Tony Ruiz enter the picture to provide support to the Lancers in their quest for the truth.