Stefi Rena
A spiritual grand passion of energy on a positive. A beautiful gift is given to a little girl from the great spirit (God) our creator. Her Cherokee Indian grandfather nick-named her Babirae, but individuals now called her Stefi Rena, which is her real name. Stefi Rena drifted off in this life, her path crossed many, it all began in 1967 inside her mother's womb. This is a true story about Stefi Rena's journey of life. It includes and autobiography, including Stefi Rena's opinions, questions, and answers that people ask themselves daily!
Stefi Rena's path has crossed many until she discovered the unknown dust underneath the carpet called “revealed secrets.” She says, “To whom ever this book may concern, I have many more chapters and I'm highly grateful and appreciative to the company of publishing interests, being able to make a nationwide introduction on my other magnificent chapters that will be sent to you very soon.”