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Kalwar, Santosh: I Am Dead Man Alive - http://www.kalwar.com.np
KAM: Shadow Walker - www.shadowwalkerseries.com/
Kamat-Tarker, Poorwa: The Cornelius Sign: & the Season Queen Business - http://www.thecorneliussign.com/
Kanevsky, Jenny: Chosen Quarry - http://www.jennykanevsky.com/
Kaplansky, Danny: Poetry Transcending from the Besotted Heart - http://dannykaplansky.net/home.htm
Kari, Christi: Blessings of Barrenness, How to Surrender Infertility and Pregnancy - http://www.christikari.com/
Karmazenuk, Steve: The Unearthing - http://theunearthing.blogspot.com/
Karpovate, Michael: Flashpoint Quebec: Operation Joint Suppression - http://www.karpovagecreative.com/
Karr, Debra Ann: The Adventures of Barrett: The Racehorse with Magic Shoes and The Legend of Pendyne: The King, the Horse, the Boy, and the Legend - http://www.racehorsewithmagicshoes.com/
Karr, Sue: The Flaming Sword of Eden - http://www.suekarr.com/
Kasson, Mike: Lyme Disease: One Man's Story - http://www.publishedauthors.net/kasson/index.html
Kasten, Julie: Dancing Amidst the Chaos - http://www.juliekasten.com/
Katz, Bebe Weinberg: Princess Claudia & the Freckles and A Best Friend for Claudia - http://www.freewebs.com/bwkatz/
Katz, Sergeant Marty (retired): Past the Uniform - http://www.crimewavesolutions.org/
Kawecki, Rodney: The Supertellic Electromagnetic-Gravitational Universe Technology Theory: The Quanta Physics Theory - http://www.physicsamerica.com/
Kay, Robert M.: Christ in the Ganges: A Satire For Our Time and Philosophers in Bondage: A Tale of Woe - http://www.christintheganges.com/
Kay, Susan: Letters for Sarah - http://lettersforsarah.com/
Kaye, Elisabeth: Decades and Born in the Ashes - http://elisabethkaye.com/
Kaye, R. M.: The Only Way Home - http://www.rmkaye.com/
Kaye, R. S.: Roya Starr Kaman: "An Unauthorized Biography" and Diary of Roya Starr Kaman, The: As Translated from Old Records - www.rskaye.wordpress.com
Kaynan, Martin: Predators in the Workplace: A "Reality Check" on What We Too Often Encounter in Our Working Environments - http://www.mandbmusic.com/kaynanbooks.html
Kaynan, Richard Ian: The Giver's Consequence and The Cannons at Goldsboro Bridge - http://bellsouthpwp.net/r/k/rkaynan/index.html
Kazi, Lynn: Cottonland Songstress - http://www.publishedauthors.net/lynnkazi/index.html
Kazmierczak, Carolyn Salmon: Searching for the Perfect Horse and A Kingdom for Horses: Heartfelt Devotions That Touch the Soul of a Horse Lover and Those That Love Our Lord Jesus; Also Featuring "Will Jesus Return Upon a White Horse?" - http://www.justmeandmyhorse.com/
Keels, Nadine: Yella's Prayers - http://www.prismaticprospects.wordpress.com
Keeney-Canfield, Gayle: Crossing Jordan: Book One of the Keeney Chronicles - http://www.publishedauthors.net/gaylekeeneycanfield/
Keeton, Marilyn: Quest for Forgiveness: A Marlee Whittacre Novel - http://www.mkeetonbooks.com/
Kehl, Wayne: Always Remember: If It Ain't Fun, It Ain't Worth Doing! - http://www.waynekehl.com/
Keith, Danita: Moments in Time of my Heart and Soul - http://sapphireokie.tripod.com/
Kelley, Morgan: Serial Sins - http://www.morgankelley.com/
Kelly, C. A.: Orfies - http://www.orfies.com/
Kelly, Chuck: Legend Of Otherland: Adventure Underground and Legend of the Otherland: Evil Does Exist - http://www.authorsden.com/chuckkelly
Kelly, J. Brian: Growing the Shamrock, Tuning the Fiddle - http://www.jbriankelly.com/book.html
Kelly, L.K.: Meme's Christmas Stories - http://www.memeschristmasstories.com/
Kemm-Highton, Barbara: A Body on the Farm: The Disappearance and Murder of Carol Blades - http://www.abodyonthefarm.com/
Kemper, Rev. E.J. III: The Novel of Poetry and The Proper Purpose of Pain - http://www.byrdlandent.com/store.html
Kender, Carol: The Stela Passageway and The Jaguar's Paw - http://www.thescubalady.com/
Kennedy, Richard R.: Tale of Love & War Volume I: An Odyssey of Childhood and Early Youth and A Tale of Love & War Volume II: War and The Home Front - http://www.geocities.com/rrjksr/index.html
Kent-Brooks, Frances: Living, Breathing, Being: A Book of Poetry - http://bunniesthing.ning.com/
Kerr, Paul C.: S*T*A*R: Surveillance of Terrorist Actions and Retaliation - http://www.archer440.webs.com/
Ketchum, John L.: Lie to Me and Telepathic Liar - http://www.johnlketchum.com/
Kettle, Cynthia Anne (Caron): Community Life, Death, Life Eternity and There's a Connection: 3 Books in 1 - http://www.theresaconnection.com/ Khaghani, Ali: Together; Alone - http://www.publishedauthors.net/alikhaghani/index.html
Keyes, Chuck: Cynella's Gift and The Being of Sarah - http://www.chuck-keyes.com/
Keyser, Ryan W.: Surfwater and Lanessa - http://www.rwk4.net/
Khan, Ayesha Ijaz: Rodeo Drive to Raja Bazaar - http://www.ayeshaijazkhan.com/
Khardaji, Sharon: Poise: Selected Poems - http://www.poisecentral.com/
Kidwell, Leigh-Anne: Summer Vinyard and The Year I Lost My Popularity - http://www.leighannekidwell.com/
Kilmartin, Tricia A.: Fantastic Finds Cookbook: 60 Great Recipes & Tips - http://mysite.verizon.net/vzex1z82/fantasticfindscookbooktriciakilmartin/
Kilpatrick, Jim: Stand at Ease - http://www.kimokilpatrick.com/
Kim, Genesis: Hangouts - http://www.publishedauthors.net/genesiskim/index.html
Kimball, Allen S.: Reflections On A Mad Poet's Inner Thoughts (A Collection of Unorthodox Blues Poetry/Songs in 6 Parts - http://www.publishedauthors.net/themadpoet/
King, Dora M.: Looking for Love - http://www.publishedauthors.net/doraking/index.html
King, Linda K.: Fleeting Messages - http://www.myspace.com/lkkpoetry
King, Victoria: Her Strong Tower - http://www.freewebs.com/vking/
Kington, Randy: What a Life: How the Vietnam War Affected One Marine - http://www.randykington.com/
Kinsmore, Barbara: I Remember Grandma: A Love Legacy - http://www.iremembergrandma.com/_sgg/f10000.htm
Kirk, John Ashton: Ascension - http://www.myspace.com/jkirkascension
Kirsch, Richard: Pine Woods and The Big One: (A Bicycle Tale) - http://www.bicycle-tales.com/
Kirven, Donna: When a Band-Aid Isn't Enough: And other poetic perspectives and The Alchemy of Understanding: Poetic Therapy for the Soul - http://www.donnakirven.com/
Kisella, Nick: The Chalice of Souls - http://www.freewebs.com/darquenick/
Kittleson, Tim: A Jungle in My Heart - http://www.publishedauthors.net/kittleson/
Klamkin, Bert Carroll: Four . . . Too Soon - http://fourbertbook.com/
Klein, S. Paul: Accidents of Time and Place - http://www.freewebs.com/spaulklein/
Kleinn, Karl: Journey Without Destination: Stories from a Life Without a Plan - http://www.publishedauthors.net/karlkleinn/
Knapp, Rene: Milo's Journey - www.pentaclecats.com, www.centralfloridaabyssinianbreeders.com, and www.listnow.com/helpingpaws
Knifong, Carey: Angel Baby: A Journal of Healing After the Loss of an Unborn, Born Still, or Newborn Child - http://www.angelbabyjournal.com/
Knight, April: The Gentleman in the Lake - http://www.april-knight.com/
Knight, Nora: The Flower of Life - http://www.publishedauthors.net/NoraKnight/index.html
Knight-McConnell, Kathy: Curtis Knight: Living in the Shadow of Jimi Hendrix - http://curtisknightlivingintheshadowofjimihendrix.com/
Knox, Lorna J.: Flames of a Rose and Two Tales of Mystery - http://www.freewebs.com/rosepetal34/
Kocan, George: The Boys' Club - http://www.kocan.org/
Koch, Michael: A Murder in Tulsa: The Sherrill Murder Case & The Rise of the Barker-Karpis Gang - http://www.mkoch.webs.com/
Kochanoff, Jim: Fists and Fantasy and Men of Extreme Action and Sudden Death - http://www.adventurebooks.ca/
Kochansky, Thomas M. P.E.: Tribune: A Story of Early Christianity and Man of Action: Peter’s Recollection of the Christ and Exploring the Fourth Gospel - http://www.growlinggrizzly.com/
Kohn, Norm: The Dolphin Chronicle and The Chandana Tree - http://www.normkohn.com/ Kolbet, Sadie: Humans: Bottom of the Intimate Food Chain - http://www.myspace.com/skolbet
Kolkin, Judith: Abigail Unloved and Honorable Intentions - http://www.judithkolkinbooks.com/
Kong, David T.: The Pantheons Stories - http://www.eternalpoets.com/
Korda, Jacqueline Ciminelli: Forbidden Passions I: Devil's Kiss - http://www.jacquelineciminellikorda.com/index.html
Koster, Jessica: Wish Upon the Rain - http://www.freewebs.com/jessicakoster/
Kovic, James W.: Tamara's Journey: The Purging of a Tyrant - http://www.tamarasjourney.com/
Kraft, Debra: Somewhere on the Edge of Words - http://www.dmkraft.com/
Krainski, Jenny: The Leader of Nature and Undetected and My Neighbor - http://www.jennykrainski.com/
Krauel, Janann: Flying Lessons - http://www.flyinglessonsbook.com/
Krause, Kevin: Celestial: The Fallen - http://www.celestialthefallen.net/
Kreckel, Ken: Rocked By Murder - http://home.bresnan.net/~kreckel11/iwp2.htm
Kreeger, Vickie: Little Girls Lost - http://www.freewebs.com/vickielkreeger/
Kretsinger, Kristie: Isolated Dreamer: A Collection of Poetry - http://www.theisolateddreamer.com/
Kristoco: - http://www.Kristoco.webstarts.com
Kriszt, Ann Marie: Bestis Friends - http://annkriszt.com/
Krueger, L.A.: When Will My Ship Come In?: The Misadventures of a Navy Wife and Terror by Night - http://kruegerbooks.tripod.com/
Kshir, Donna: Before I Self-Destruct and Fighting Back - http://www.donnakshir.webs.com/
Kucera, Patricia: He Always Held My Hand - http://www.comealivewithjesus.com/
Kuhne, Melba: A Laugh and a Tear: "Omi" et al - http://www.melbakuhne.com/ Kulman, Andrea M.: Adventures of Charlie & Doo-Doo: Not a Baby Anymore and The Drama Unfolds - http://www.freewebs.com/andreamkulman/
Kunchog, Venerable Jampa: Light of Meditation: Developing Our Candlelight-Like Wisdom - http://dhargeyproject.blogspot.com/
Kuykendall, AK: Conspirator's Odyssey The Evolution of the Patron Saint - http://www.thewriterofbooks.com/
Kyle, Erica: Fatal Accident - http://www.freewebs.com/ekyle777/
Lachapelle, L.A.: Small Tales and Visits to Heaven and Small Tales and Visits to Heaven 2 - http://lalachapelle.webstarts.com/
Lafay, Ms.: Through the Eyes of Ms. Lafay - http://www.ms-lafay.com/
Lak, Fallon: Torn Apart` - http://www.fallonlak.webs.com/
Lakovsky, Evelyn: 1918 and The Last Summer in Russia - www.writersownwords.com/sk806_russia
Lambert, George J.: Brothers and Heroes: A Chronicle of Military Service of Six Americans - http://www.freewebs.com/gjlamb/
Lambert, Teres: Mommy, Do You Love Me? - http://www.mommydoyouloveme.com/
Landry, Diane: Granny's Gift - http://www.dianelandrybooks.com
Lakovsky, Evelyn: 1918 and The Last Summer in Russia - www.sites.google.com/site/1918andthelastsummerinrussia/
Landry, J. A.: Fool Star - http://jalandry.net/
Lang, William: Pain Is Love & Life Is The Reality - http://www.freewebs.com/williamclang/
Lange, CJ: From the Case Files of Hannah Jordan: Fulfilled Justice - http://jillscjlange.com/
Langley, Kimberley A.: Another Time - http://kimberley.wilderfaith.com/
Lanier, C. Shane': Emani's Choice - http://www.geocities.com/c_shane_lanier/
Lanyon, Robin: The Nefarious Tongue - http://www.publishedauthors.net/robinlanyon/index.html
LaPorte, Tom: Magnolia Revealed: A Mary Jack Campaign - http://www.tomlaporte.com/
Larose, Julie: Discovering the Long Way Home - http://www.julielarosebooks.ca/
Larsen, Laurie: Momentary Lapse and Whispers of the Heart - http://www.authorlaurielarsen.com/
Larson, Mark: The Adventures of PINKY, the Pink Flamingo - http://www.geocities.com/mrk_larson/
Larson, Rustin: Mental: Stories by Rock L'Orange - http://rustinlarson.wordpress.com/
Larson, Ryan David Bird: Two, Fast: A Spiritual Guide to Dieting - http://www.ryan-larson.com/
Lasseigne, Jacques: E-Mail Connections: Tragedy and Triumph of The TERMS - http://www.emailconnections.org/
Laszlo, Andrew: The Seven Graces of God and A Fight of No Consequence and Banjin and The Real World Series: and Another Year in the Bronx: Two Stories by andrew Laz - http://www.freewebs.com/stellina88/
Lathrop, Brandy: Jalen Goes to Mars - http://publishedauthors.net/brandylathrop/
Latimer, Lenard, Jr.: P.O.W.E.R.S.—Economic Evolution or…? - http://www.powerspeople.org/
Laughery, Teri: Hey Mom! I Joined the Marines! - http://www.chickiechick.com/
Lavigne, Patrick: Invaders in the Dark - http://patrickauthor76.angelfire.com/
Lawson, Christopher M.: No More Lonely Days - http://authorchristopher.tripod.com/
Lay, Christopher A.: Brooklyn Heat Lasts Forever - http://www.bhl4ever.com/
Lazar, Aaron Paul: Double Forté and Upstaged - http://www.legardemysteries.com/
Leach, John L, IV: Valley of the Poet - http://www.freewebs.com/johnleach/
Lebeau, Eris R.: Lost Souls and Source Code - http://authortree.com/erisrlebeau
Lebrecht, Anne: Tales from the Heart: A Collection of Short Stories - http://www.annelebrecht.com/
Lee, Barbara: The Artist and the Cop (The Death of Margie Sloan) - http://www.freewebs.com/designinglady/
Lee, Joesph: Growing Up A Witness - http://www.growingupawitness.com/
Lee, J.W.: Mighty Fine Remembering - http://www.freewebs.com/jwlee/
Lee, Sandra: Time Served: A Novel - http://www.publishedauthors.net/sandralee/
Lee-Park, Jeremy: Life, Along with the Pursuit & Games of Love & Sex - http://www.myspace.com/j_lee10
Leeth, Clark Wayne: The Haunting of Downing Chapel and Redeemed!: The Journey Begins - http://upperroomdisciples.yolasite.com/
Leff, Benjamin: The Unpopulars - http://www.theunpopulars.com/
Leff, Steven: The Nine Lands: Book One: The Amulet of Drake - http://www.ninelands.com/
Legg, Ruth: Veils of Conspiracy - http://web.me.com/ruthlegg/Site/The_Book.html
Lehosit, Darlene: Surviving Lung Cancer (My Story) - http://www.publishedauthors.net/darlenelehosit/index.html
Leigh, Allen W.: One Mormon's View of the Science--Religion Debate - http://www.mormonsite.org/sciencereligion/
Leigh, Gwendolyn: Personal Payback and Deceiving Secrets and Letters to Roleen - http://gwendolynleigh.media.officelive.com/default.aspx
Lekas, Daniel: Tales of a Thirtysomething Nobody - http://authorlekas.weebly.com/
LeMieux, Michael E.: Unalienable Rights: And the Denial of the U.S. Constitution - http://www.constitutiondenied.com/
Lemire, Lillie: A Young Witch's Magical Adventure and A Witch's Obsession - http://publishedauthors.ning.com/profile/LillieLemire
Lengel, J.W.: Peace Force and The Second Civil War - www.thestrangetimes.com/jwlengel
Lennon, Wayne: The Last of the Short MPs - http://www.lastoftheshortmps.com/
Leon, Michael: The Faithful and the Fallen - http://www.michaelmleon.com/
Leonard, Joyce: It's Not My Fault - http://www.publishedauthors.net/JoyceLeonard/index.html
LePage, Cheri: Are You My Sister?, My New Beginnings, Three Prescott Brides, and Wildfire - http://www.cherilepage.com/
Leung, Helen: Toni - http://www.freewebs.com/stellina88/
LeValley, Paul: The Orfalinda Trilogy: and Other Early Writings - http://www.paullevalley.com/books/
Levis, Walter B.: Moments of Doubt - http://www.walterblevis.com/
Lewis, Cindy: Because of a Woman: Life Stories of "Lee" Leon Arthur Didas - http://www.picturetrail.com/cindid
Lewis, David A.: Poetic Expressions of Love - http://www.dlouway.com/
Lewis, Dr. Madeline Ann: Playing from the Blue Tee: Women in the Federal Government - http://www.delineinstitute.net/
Lewis, J.R.: Bakerville Prodigy and It's Not Me, It's You - http://www.myspace.com/inthisspace
Lewis, Paul: LIFELESS - http://www.lifelessbook.com
Lies, Greg: Everything is Jake - http://www.publishedauthors.net/jake/index.html
Lightle, Lugenia: Ruguma: New to America and Rockie Stoneshaker and the Haunted Castle - http://www.freewebs.com/lugeniabooks/
Liguori, Anthony, Jr.: Memories, Messages and Musings and From God's Heart to Yours - http://www.anthonyliguorijr.com/
Lilley, James H.: The Far Side of the Bridge and Just Retribution and Death Knocks Twice and The Eyes of the Hunter and A Tony Clements Christmas Miracle - http://www.police-writers.com/james_lilley.html
Lindey, Dennis: 21 Days with Dad: My 25-Day Adventure to All Four Corners of the United States - http://www.21dayswithdad.com/
Lindo, Craigal R.: Heart's Glory - http://www.theheartwriter.com/
Linett, Lance: Self Destruct - http://www.lancelinett.com
Ling, Rosemary: I Remember Grandma: A Love Legacy - http://www.iremembergrandma.com/_sgg/f10000.htm
Linhardt, Abigail: Dark Generations: Rise of the Mage Knight - http://www.fathersjoy.webs.com/
Link, Gary: The Burnt District - http://www.publishedauthors.net/garylink/
Litherland, Janet: Song of the Heart and Vanished and Chain of Deception and Discovery In Time - http://www.janetlitherland.com/
Littlefield, Anthony: Bittersweet Journey: The Story of the Wounding, Healing and Triumph of a Family - http://www.anthonylittlefield.com/
Littles, Wanda Thomas: Color Blind: Psalms of Life - http://www.wandalittles.com/
Loba, Priscilla: Phoenix: The Wonder Dog and The Angel's Promise and Out of the Blue - http://www.justloba.com/
Loder, Wes: The Golden Horn - http://wesloder.blogspot.com/
Lodes, Kirk: Cheesy, Sleazy, Mixed-Up Astro-Zombies: The 100 Worst Actors and Directors of All Time - http://www.kirklodes.com/ Loe, Ron: The Seventh Sense - http://www.ronloe.com/
Loecher, Eunice: Inside Passage - http://www.euniceloecher.com/
Loft, B.J.: The North Point Boys - http://www.eldrwrtr.com/
Logan, Jaycee: Apache Windigo - http://jayceelogan.homestead.com/
Long, Richard: Unholy Thirst - http://www.myspace.com/unholythirst
LoriLynn: Coffee Time? - http://lorilynn.synthasite.com/
Lorsch-Saltzman, Laurie: The Mouse That Had No Spouse, Josh and George, Roadrunner George and the Backyard Bunch and Have You Met the Stonkies? - www.lifeonthelightside.net
Lovaas, Terry W.: Lady Luck's Smile - http://jakeandhankbooks.com/
Love, Katie: Cubicide - http://www.writelaughlove.com/katielove/Home.html
Lovette, Pam: The Smell of Buttercups - http://www.publishedauthors.net/buttercups/
Low-DuMond, Sabrina: Weakling Willie - http://pwp.att.net/p/s/community.dll?ep=16&groupid=387407&ck=
Lowery, Mark: Magic Time, Time is Magical - http://www.publishedauthors.net/lowery/index.html
Lubianetzky, Paul P.: Homeland Security: The Beginning - http://lubian1215.web.officelive.com/default.aspx
Lucas, Andre: The Cancer Survival Kit: The Power of Three, Vol. I: The TRUTH - http://ucancervivekit.com/
Lucas, Woody: A Book of Rhythm and Insane Joy - http://www.woodrowlucas.com/
Luck, Eric: Most Fortunate Son - http://ericluck.net/
Luera, Derrick: MutaGenesis - http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=422470622
Luke, Michael C.: Alien Hunters: The Beginning - http://www.myspace.com/michaelcluke
Lundmark, TIm: My Descent into Madness: A Collection of Poems - http://mydescentintomadness.wordpress.com/
Lupo, G. M.: The Long-Timers - http://www.myspace.com/whoisvictoriawells
Lustig, Lindsey Beth: Snail's Trail - www.livingblissful.com
Lynn, Tory: My Charming Protector - http://www.torylynn.webs.com/
Lyons, Diahna: The Mask of Fenrir - http://www.publishedauthors.net/diahnalyons/TheMaskofFenrir.html
Mabry, Donna: The Last Two Aces in Las Vegas - http://donnamabry.books.officelive.com/default.aspx
MacKenzie, Megan: An Innocent Kiss - http://www.meganndesigns.com/
Macklin, Robert: Jesus: The Final Journey - http://www.jesusthefinaljourney.com/
Maddon, Shane: Texan Heat - http://smaddon.webs.com/
Madjemite, Dorene: Quagmires - http://optiontodealingwithpain.health.officelive.com/default.aspx
Mae, Darcie: Sammy & Robert and Sammy & Robert's Animal Adventures - http://sammyandrobert.tripod.com/
Magers, Ramona Hirsch: Walter's Discovery - http://rhmagers.com/
Magliano, Theresa: To Save One - http://www.geocities.com/tosaveone/home.html
Mahr, C.N.: The Face on Mars - http://www.thefom.net/
Maidman-Tanner, Ellen: Days Dark as Night and Nights Lit by Fire: Book Two of the Adami Chronicles - http://www.daysdarkasnight.com/
Maisner, Larry: Glow From a Gentle Lantern - http://www.larrymaisnerbooks.com/
Maistros, Lucille Maurice: Growing Up Cold: A memoir of growing up cold, but longing to be cool, in 1950s Vermont and Growing Up Colder: Still Growing Up Cold, but Longing to Be Cool in 1960s Vermont - http://www.growingupcold.com/
Majcher, Dr. Gail: A Worthy Woman: Victory Over Domestic Violence: A True Story and Self-Help Book - http://www.drgail.com/
Major, Christine and Joseph Mazzenga: Hybrid Seed - http://www.depetrillomazzenga.com/
Makeda: Fantasies of a Black Queen: A Collection of Erotic Short Stories and Poems - http://www.myspace.com/makedatales
Maku, Dominic Woja: Okumu's Journey: A Sudanese Refugee Boy's Narrative - http://www.visionsouthsudan.com/
Mallory, S. Perry: The Divorce Manual for Men - http://thedivorcemanualformen.com/
Malone, R.: Southern Bloodlines and Hushed Whispers - http://www.rmaloneliterature.webs.com/
Maloney, Sharon: Sharon's Verses and Philosophies About God and Three Divine Works - http://www.perfectfamily.zoomshare.com/
Mandell-Rice, Bonnie Starr: Beyond Forgiveness: Spiritual Alchemy: Healing Your Life, Reweaving the World - http://www.transformativecoaching.net/
Mangone, Lou: Equinox: Seasons of the Witches' Moon: The First Two Seasons and Witches of Beziba: The Final Two Seasons - http://michimookpersonalizedchildrensbooks.com/
Mangraviti, Joseph: Hooked on You - http://www.josephmangraviti.com/
Mankin, Cathy: The Key - http://catsthekey.homestead.com/index.html
Mann, Jessica N.: An Expression of the Heart - http://www.publishedauthors.net/jessica_n_mann/
Manning, J.L.: The Night Watchman - www.jlmanning.net
Manor, CE: A Man Called Moe - http://www.cemanor.com/
Mantis: From an Empty Heart - http://www.mantissociety.org/
Mantle, Philip: Alien Autopsy Inquest and Mysterious Sky: Soviet UFO Phenomenon - http://www.outtahear.com/beyond_updates/Mantle/Index.html
Marambola: The Continuum Factor and The Quantum Factor - http://www.publishedauthors.net/stacyjackson/
Marceron, Chris M.: Redefining Eden (1982-2004) - http://www.redefiningeden.com/
Marcus, John: The African-American Man of the New Millennium - http://smoothsoul.net/home.htm
Marie, Nicole: Cupid's Arrow - http://www.nicolemarienovels.com/
Mark, Mary Ann: Coffee Cup Poetry and Me With Thee: Vol. 1 - http://publishedauthors.net/mamark/
Markham, Geneva G. O.: Simone: Gypsy of Appalachia - http://www.publishedauthors.net/g.o.markham/index.html
Marks, Allan: Timeless: As the World Stands Still - http://www.freewebs.com/allanmarks/main.html
Marlin, Brick: The Darkened Image - http://www.brickmarlin.com/
Marr, Margaret: The Ghosts of Daemon Yarborough and Wings of Thunder - http://margaretmarr.bravehost.com/
Marshall, David: The Prophecy of the Chosen Ones - http://www.davidmarshall.ca/
Marshall, DJ: Alpha Treaty - http://www.alphatreaty.com/
Marshall, Dennis: Karonteon - http://www.freewebs.com/karonteon/
Marszalek, Therese: Breaking Out: The Journey of Transformation into the Image of Jesus Christ - http://www.breakingoutministries.com/
Martin, Brenda Darnley and Mary Lee Gibbons: Freddie, Hector and Tish: The Treasure-Hunt Fish - http://brenmarcommunications.com/books.htm
Martin, Chris: Hollow Eyes - http://martinsfiction.com/
Martin, Dusten: The Statesboro Inn - http://www.dustenmartin.com/
Martin, Jacki: God's Path to Golden Splendor - http://www.goldensplendorministries.com/default.aspx
Martin, Kathy L.: Kathy's Kaleidoscope of Poetry - http://www.kathylmartin.net/
Martin, Michael (M&M): Poetry Series, What Love Could Do: Twisted Fate and AckWarVar: The Protector of Life - http://www.squidoo.com/ackwarvar-the-protector-of-life
Martin, R. Merial: Deterrent - http://www.a-1health.com/
Martin, Walter: Walter's Two Short Stories - http://www.freewebs.com/nightstrikebooks
Martin, Vernon: Conquer the Culture, Master the Culture: Because If I Can Do It, You Can Too!, and Master the Culture: Because If I Can Do It, You Can Too! - http://mastertheculture.7p.com/
Martin-Makuk, Pamela: The People Movers and Pandora's Legacy - http://www.pamelamartin-makuk.vpweb.com/default.html
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Miller, Nolan: For Love to Live and Journey to a New Land - http://www.nomi338.com/
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Nicholson, Shelly Faith: Jake the Snake and the Stupid Time-Out Chair - http://www.booksbyshelly.com/
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Nixon, Laura: Out of the Ashes - http://www.ljnixon.webs.com/
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Norton, George: Den of Iniquity - http://www.publishedauthors.net/georgenorton/
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Olsen, Marci: Lessons to Live By: Character Building Books for School-Age Children - http://lessonstoliveby-marciolsen.blogspot.com/
Olson, Roy: From Bistros to Bible Study - http://royolson.com/
Olsson, Dr. Peter, M.D.: Malignant Pied Pipers of Our Time: A Psychological Study of Destructive Cult Leaders from Rev. Jim Jones to Osama bin Laden - http://www.drpeterolsson.com/
Opler, Dr. Lewis A.: Resurrection and Redemption: A Story of Hope & Recovery - http://www.resred.com/
Orford, Emily-Jane Hills: Spring - http://www3.sympatico.ca/mistymo/
O'Reilly, Martin: The Lord, the Lady & the Duke: Vol I. The Umbria Collection - http://www.publishedauthors.net/martin.oreilly/
Orr, Carolyn Brackin: It Happened in Oakville: Deep Reflections of My Past - http://www.orrministries.org/
Orr, Fran E.: When Mommy Was a Soldier - http://www.franeorr.com/
Ortega, Barbara: The Nightmare: Dying Without a Will - http://www.publishedauthors.net/BarbaraOrtega/index.html
Orten, L. J.: The Shoe Box - http://www.publishedauthors.net/orten123/
Ortiz, Jacki: Heart Aches & Rainy Days - http://www.freewebs.com/jackijoortiz/
Ortolani, Tom: A Place Prepared for Us: And, Learning to Live There - http://publishedauthors.net/tomortolani/
Owin, Jack: It's a Long Way Home - http://www.jackorwin.com/
Osmond, Gordon: So You Think You Know English - http://www.gordonosmondbook.com/
O'Toole-Freel, Judy: Aardvark, Aardvark, How Do You Do! and Looking for the Sunrise - http://www.mjfreelart.com/
Ottenberg, Eve: Reluctant Reaper, Suburbia and What They Didn't Know - www.eveottenberg.com
Ottley-Okubo, Margaret: On the Wings of Time - http://www.theangelswhisper.com/
Otto, Steve: Can You Pass the Acid Test?: A History of the Drug and Sex Counterculture and Its Censorship in the 20th Century - http://steveottosbooks.tk/
Ousley, Jerry D.: Soul Challenge - http://www.spiritbread.com/
Ovalles, Misty: Do Animals Feel the Same Way I Do - http://www.facebook.com/v/183829304991379, http://www.facebook.com/v/183834578324185, http://www.facebook.com/v/183839078323735, http://www.facebook.com/v/183843194989990
Owens, L-M: Darius, Prince of Legend and Darius, Master of Dragons - http://www.freewebs.com/lmowens/