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Ulloa, Ed: 27: A Football Coach's Memoirs - http://www.coachulloa.com/
Umphery, Angela: Chasing Love - www.happinessinchrist.webs.com and www.myspace.com/devon2years
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Unger, Maurice H.: When Destinies Collide and Terrorism's Shifting Winds - http://www.intruderpass.com/
Upson, Renee: The Braces Cookbook and Self Care Guide - http://www.behindthebraces.com/
Uravic, Abraham: MEOW - http://www.shayworship.com/
Urban, Robert M, III: From Ohio to Now: My Story - http://www.myspace.com/ohiokidntacoma
Urso, Paula "Walks Alone": Banyan...Keeper of the Trees - http://www.ohsewmanythings.com/banyan.html
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Vance, Lori: Violated Trust - http://www.lorivance.com
Van Fleet, Ella and David: Workplace Survival: Dealing with Bosses, Bad Workers, Bad Jobs - http://www.publishedauthors.net/vanfleet/index.html
Van Gor, Tracy: Thunder from Above Book 1: Harsh Innocence - http://www.vangorpbooks.ca
Van Heyden, Chaz: Conquering Things - http://heydenwrites.com/
Van Fleet, Sheryl: The Recumbent and the Upright: A Bicycle Adventure… - http://www.geocities.com/recumbentadventure/index.html
Van Osdol, William R, Ph.D.: From Whence They Fell and The Ultimate Human Evil—ODESSA: Organization der ehemaligen SS Angehorigen (Organization of former Nazi SS Members) - http://www.vanosdolww2author.com/
Van Scoyoc, Andrea Dean: Poison's Treasures - http://thelosttheforgottenthedamned.com/
Vandenburg, James: Making Life Better - http://jamesvandenburg.weebly.com
Vanderhelm, Joy: Dead Eyes on Me - http://www.deadeyesonme.webs.com/
Vanderlaan, Karen: Show and Tell - http://www.karenvanderlaan.com/
Vansandt, Melody: Code Scarlet - http://www.melodyvansandt.com/
Varga, Josie: Footprints in the Sand: A Disabled Woman's Journey to Happiness - http://www.josievarga.com/
Vasquez, Minister Ruben: God Hears All Who Call, Get Ready to Receive - http://god4gives.net/default.aspx
Velasquez, Elisa: Heaven On Earth - http://www.elisavelasquez.org/
Ventemiglia, Kaltrina: Voices - http://www.ventiart.com/
Verster, Karen de Balbian: Boob: A Story of Sex, Cancer & Stupidity - http://mysite.verizon.net/kdebv/
Vlok, Francis: IYSH - http://www.gregprice.net/
Von Gurnov, Calvin II: Seekers of the Unknown: Life in the Spirit World - http://calvinvongurnov.net/
Vorce-Tish, Helene: Fencing with Danger: Pavel Lubov's True Story and The Wounds of Hate and Changing the Forces of Hate - http://www.directcon.net/tish/
Voss, Edd: A Tree for America - http://eddvoss.com/default.aspx
Voth, Susan: Liquored Words & Afterthoughts - http://www.susanvoth.com/
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Wagner, Melissa: Everyday Windows: A Collection of Poetry and Prose - http://www.everydaywindows11.com/
Waite, Beth: Ascending Powers - http://www.bethsbooks.tk/
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Walden, Shelley: Bound by Hatred and Smoking Mirrors - http://www.freewebs.com/swalden/ and http://www.shelleywalden.webs.com/
Waldron, Kerry S.: Loving Life and Living Large: A Commonsense Approach to Successful Living - http://www.kerrywaldron.com/
Waldrop, Tommy: The Gathering Storm and The Clouds Thicken - http://www.geocities.com/thebear121449/
Walford, Gerald A . & Gerald E.: The Golf Superbook - http://geraldwalford.web.officelive.com/default.aspx
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Walker, Brian D.: Mirrors of the Soul: A Compilation of Poetry on Life, Love and Loss - http://www.freewebs.com/outlaw6711/
Walker, Dorcas Annette: To Say Good-bye - http://www.dorcasannettewalker.com/
Walker, S. E.: SHE - http://www.authorsden.com/sewalker
Walker, William: To Ride a Hurricane - http://www.billsnovel.com/
Wallace, Bruce: This Life is a Journey - http://thislifeisajourney.com/
Wallace, C.J.: Take Off Your Sunglasses - http://www.cherylewallace.com/
Wallace, Randy K.: The Banderman Odyssey - http://www.randykwallace.com/
Wallick, JC: Zamora - http://www.freewebs.com/jcwallick/
Wallon, Tiva: Footsteps Through Time and The Way It Used to Be: A Second Chance - http://tivawallon.bravehost.com/
Walsh, Winnie: Savannah Joy and Tim, Defines and Defies Down Syndrome - http://winniewalsh.com/
Walters, Carmella A Life of Significance - http://www.a-life-of-significance.com/
Walters, Carmella Handbook For Sharing Your Faith Effectively - http://www.handbook-for-sharing-your-faith-effectively.com/
Walton, Jim: Dixie Gold - www.dixie-gold.webs.com/
Ward, Timothy: Quiet Reflections: A Book of Poems, The Wayward Son: A Journey Home, and When an F Is a Good Thing: Keys to a Lasting and Successful Marriage Relationship - http://reverendtimothyward.webs.com/
Ward, Tom: Outposts of Hell or Portals to Heaven and The Enemy Within - http://www.warriorministries.us/
Ware, Shirley Gerald: Joseph's Fears - http://users.rcn.com/freshlit/shirley.html
Wargo, Jeffrey A.: Ghosts in the 'Ville: True Experiences and Tales of the Unexplained in Riegelsville, PA - http://www.ghostsintheville.com/
Warner, Rosemary: Sin and Punishment and Southern Justice - http://www.authorskyblue.com
Warnasuriya, Chani: Favorite Folktales of Sri Lanka, Children's Stories of Wit and Humor, and Spooky Tales from the Orient - http://www.funchildsbooks.com/
Warren, Deanna Lee: In Dreams and There Is Something Wrong with Jackie: A Novel and The Greatest Tragedy of All - http://www.freewebs.com/deannaleewarren/
Warren, G. Edward: The Lottery Winner and The Devil's Carousel - http://gradysamples.9f.com/photo2.html
Warstler, Mary Lu: Pushing Up Geraniums - http://www.maryluwarstler.com/
Washington, Cecil: Dwoor and Walkware - http://cecilwashington.com/
Washington, Gary E.: A Sword, A Shield, A Helmet - http://garyewashington.com/
Wastnage, Nick: No Snowdrops in July and The Heart Donor - http://www.nickwastnage.com/
Waters, Tom: Zany Hijinx!: essays and other irrational prose and Born Pissed - http://tomfoolery4.wordpress.com/
Watkins, Barbara: Nightmares & Daydreams - http://www.barbarawatkins.net/
Watkins, Catherine: Randy - http://authortree.com/meowby
Watkins, Gwen: Angel Food: Spiritual Revelations - http://www.angelfoodblessings.com/
Watson, Dominique L.: Too Much Untold - http://www.dominiquewatson.webs.com/
Watson, Sidney: Unleashing the Leash - http://www.publishedauthors.net/sidneywatson/
Watt, Eden: Vision Speak - http://www.vision-speak.com/
Watters, Nika: Nika Watters in The Case of the Misplaced Fossil - http://www.nikawatters.com/master.html
Watts, Bruce: Memories from a Baby Boomer: The Early Years - http://brucewatts.bravehost.com/
Watts, Carl E.: The Men That Cooperstown Forgot - http://www.freewebs.com/baseballhalloffame/

Weatherford, Lacey: Of Witches and Warlocks: The Trouble with Spells - http://www.ofwitchesandwarlocks.com/
Weaver, David: Brothers of the Wind - http://www.brothers-of-the-wind.com/
Weaver, Frank, Jr.: Crab Cake & Pepper - http://www.frankweaverjr.com/
Weaver, Joyce A. McKissick: Blissful Moments and Enchanted: A Book of Poetry and Chubby Bear and His Two Brothers and The Adventures of Mopey Bear and His Two Brothers - http://www.freewebs.com/joyceamckissickweaver/
Webb, Barb: Standing Still - http://www.barbwebb.blogspot.com/
Webb, Charlotte: Past Trails Tell No Lies - http://www.authorsden.com/charlottewebb
Weber, John Michael: From Junk to Jesus: In the Blink of an Eye - http://www.intheblinkofaneyeministries.com/
Webster, B. Swangin: Let Me Just Say This - http://www.bswanginwebster.webs.com/
Webster, Gayle: I Can Still Remember… - http://www.google.com/profiles/icanstillremembergwebster
Webster, William: One Year in the Life of Benjamin Thomas and Wilson Hill - http://www.wcwebster.com/
Wedding, Linda: The Blue-Eyed, Tri-Colored American Paint: A Lesson in Trust for Baby - http://lindawedding.com/
Weir, Gardiner M.: Music on the Wind and Voices in the Glen: A Collection of Scottish-Irish Short Stories - http://home.comcast.net/~gmweir/Scots-IrishShortStories.html
WEJ: Resurrecting Dustin Tierney - http://www.the-wej.com/
Welborn, Kathleen: Our Date with Destiny, Embracing the Universe, Desires of a Free Spirit, and The Cacklebeans - http://www.kathleenwelborn.com/
Welch, Mark: "Maple and Friends Maple Meets Cyle Monster" - http://mapleandfriends.freehostingcloud.com//
Weldon, Cheryl: "You Are Mine" and 3 Fillies & a Colt - http://www.cawworldwide.com/
Welles, Pat: Dancing in Thorns - http://www.dancing-in-thorns.com/
Welling, Cub: Potentially Dangerous Material - http://cwelling308.tripod.com/
Wellington, Sarah: The Stone People - http://sarahwellington.multiply.com/
Wells, R. S.: Under the West Texas Sky - http://www.underthewesttexassky.com
Wells, Shannon Nicole: Wild Heart - http://christianhomeplace.com/default.aspx
Welman, Frans: Enter the Forbidden Land: The Quest for Nagalim and Behind the Glittering Lights of Bordellos and Brothels: The Philippines - http://www.franswelman.nl/
Wermuth, Kathleen: Stephanie's Story: Love Knows No Handicaps - http://www.freewebs.com/kathleengormanwermuth
Welty, Lauresta: The Best Place in the World - http://www.publishedauthors.net/laurestawelty/index.html
West, AJ: Wolves Among the Ruins: The Prince Dethroned - http://www.ajwest.com/
West, Jim: The First Battle of the New Civil War: Revenge of the Ghost Wolf - http://thefirstbattleofthenewcivilwar.com/
Westbrook, William: Angelic Thunder: A Novel of Biblical Battles Between God and Lucifer: Book One - http://www.williamwestbrook.com
Weston, Constance: The Celebration of Hogmanay - http://www.constanceweston.com/
Westra, Sharon: Rend Your Heart and A Season of Dreams and The Rest of Forever: Sequel to A Season of Dreams and Shine Like Stars: The Continuing Story of Katie Fremont and Snapshots of a Hometown Girl - http://mysite.verizon.net/resshc58/
Wheeler, DonnaLee: The Chimes of Resdorn - http://www.publishedauthors.net/donnaleewheeler/
Wheeler, Vanessa: The Unaltered Canvas - http://www.authorvanesswheeler.com/
Whipple, Wendy: Creating an Heirloom: Writing Your Family's Cookbook - http://www.creatinganheirloom.com/
White, David M.: Life's Lessons - http://davidmwhite.net/
White, Derek: Unicorn Witch and Unicorn Witches: The Vengeance of the Godhe - http://www.derekwhite.info/
White, Gail Lawson: The View from the Thorn: A collection of Irish faerie Stories and other Celtic tales - http://www.gailspicsandtales.mysite.com/
White, Marrianne: Lost Child and Mommy Is Missing - http://www.mommyismissing.com/
White, Thomas: Womannequin and the Agents of the Foundation for Hope and Peace - http://www.womannequinsfamilytree.com/
White, Tim: A Single Heart - http://timwhite.8m.com/
White, Veronica: Deadline Murder - http://veronicawhite.com/
Whitehair, C.W.: Sabers and Roses - http://www.whitehairbooks.com/
Whitehurst, Ruby Lee: Love's Soft Voice - http://www.rubysbooks.i8.com/
Whitley, Paul: Keechie - http://www.philwhitley.com/
Whitney, Evelyn: Young Years of Paul and Waldo - http://www.freewebs.com/ebbieallen/
Whitney, James: The Dragon Kaseraak - http://www.kaseraak.com/TDK/Home.html
Whitt, Melissa: Planet Gemini - http://melissawhitt.webs.com/
Whyte, JD: The Finding and When Darkness Calls: The Pierce Chandler Mystery Series - http://thefinding.themoonstar.com/
Wickes, Tammy: Trust of the Heart - tammywickes.webs.com
Wickham, Martha: Garden of Desire - http://www.writesight.com/writers/Martha/
Wiggins, K.: The Green Plaid Jacket - http://www.iamcompletenow.com/
Wiggins, Willie: The Last Chapter:"If I Can Change, Then You Can Change" - http://www.publishedauthors.net/MinisterWillieWigginsJr/
Wilcox, Aundrea: Startup Savvy: Strategies for Optimizing Small Business Survival and Success - www.aundreaywilcox.com
Wilcox, Donna: A Pirate's Tale - http://www.donnawilcox.com/
Wilcut-Bledsoe, Robin: The Imagination of Hollie Mason - http://robinwilcut-bledsoe.webs.com/
Wilder, George, Jr.: Derrick Sweat: Midwest Deep Freeze - http://www.freewebs.com/gwilder/
Wiley, Jean: Sweet Dreams for Sydney: A Book to Help Dissipate Nightmares - http://www.jeanwiley.com/
Wiley, Mary T.: Tears Amidst My Joy - http://www.freewebs.com/mwiley1/
Wilkerson, Mary LaVerne: Daddy, Don't Cry, I Love You - http://www.publishedauthors.net/wilkerson/ ; http://www.myspace.com/492162212
Wilkins, T.S.: Stand Again, Oh Weary Soul: The Poetic Emotions of T.S. Wilkins - http://abstractsoul.yolasite.com/
Wilks, Renee: Small Dog - http://www.brainpanpublishing.com/reneewilks/ReneeWilksIndex.htm
Willbanks, Shane: I Need a Vacation - http://sites.google.com/site/shanewillbanks70/Home
Will, Jon, ESQ., CPA, MBA: The Ultimate Philosophy - http://users.erols.com/jonwill/
Williams, Anjel: Contents of a Desolate Mind - http://www.enigmaanjel.com/
Williams, Aubrey: The Knight in Shining Armor - http://www.freewebs.com/theworldofsulex/
Williams, Barbara: The Sacrifice of Praise - http://www.myspace.com/the_sacrifice_ofpraise
Williams, Billie A.: Ancient Secrets - http://www.billiewilliams.com/
Williams, Byron L.: The Night the Wind Brought Evil - http://www.blwilliams.net/
Williams, Carmelita: Victim of the Recession, Victory in Finding My Blessing - http://www.wix.com/cwms0802/Carmen-Williams
Williams, Carrie: Rebecca's Journey - http://www.carriewilliams.webs.com/
Williams, Denise J.: The Broken Vessel - http://www.thebrokenvessel.com/healed/
Williams, Eugene, Jr.: I Am the Darker Brother - http://www.wiseducators.com/
Williams, Keith Oscar: The True Experience - http://www.greatiamministries.info/
Williams, Latrice: Lifes' Experience - http://www.latrice.bravehost.com/
Williams, Lee: To Those Who Dare To Love - http://www.artcreation.com/
Williams, Mary: Broken and Restored - http://www.marylovesyou.com/index2.html
Williams, Ronald, Jr.: Deep Inside LiteBlue - http://www.deepinsideliteblue.com/
Williams, Sarah: Backside of the Country - http://www.freewebs.com/sarahwms/
Williams, SE: Indulgences - http://www.myspace.com/authorsewilliams
Williams, Stanley R.: Not Me - http://stanwilliams01.googlepages.com/
Williams, Teresa: Friends of Wildwood - http://gracecountry620.tripod.com/authorteresaannwilliams/
Williamson, Charlotte: Say Aloha to Murder: A Detective Hardrock Mystery and Switched: A Detective Hardrock series - http://www.charlottesmysteries.com/
Williamson, Kyle: The Best of Two Worlds, The Dream Is Still Alive, Timer, The Memory of Elisha, Two Lives Collide, and The 6th Life - http://bergensbooks.angelfire.com/
Wilson, David Lloyd: Dogs Don't Fly - http://www.dogsdontfly.com/
Wilson, Gary L.: World War III: Nuclear War - http://www.garywilson2025.com/
Wilson, J. Allen: Before Darkness Falls - http://www.jallenwilson.com/
Wilson, Mark: The Amazing Gift from the Woods, The Demons Within, The Old Man's Secret Friend, and The Secret of Gray View Manor - http://www.authormawilson.com/
Wilson, Phyllis A.: Living with Poliomyelitis - http://sites.google.com/site/livingwithpolio/
Winch, John: Deadly Saviours - http://www.john-winch.de
Wingate, Sherelle F.: Drama at No Rest! - http://authorsden.com/studyingsherelle
Winn, Verona: Elemental Soul - http://www.elementalsoul.com/
Winslett, Tammy: God's Eternal Love: Inspirational Christian Poetry - http://poetrybygod.tripod.com/
Winters, R. B.: The Other Realm and The Other Realm: Blood Vengeance - http://web.me.com/rbwinters/R.B._Winters/Rent%28minus%29Control/Rent%28minus%29Control.html
Wise, T. M.: To Right Yesterday - http://www.authortmwise.com/
Wisocki, H. J.: Innocence Betrayed: A Dad's Story of Clergy Misconduct - http://www.innocencebetrayedbyclergy.com/
Witham, AK: Armada Dawn and Armada Rising and Armada Reign - http://www.publishedauthors.net/akw141/index.html
Witham, Nina Liv: Outer Dominion Saga: Volume I, Destiny Calling - http://www.ninalivwitham.webs.com
Withrow, Stephen F.: Goddess of Mine and Dying for Emily - http://www.stephenfwithrow.com/
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Wolfe, Ainsley: Love, Revisited - http://ainsleywolfe.synthasite.com/
Womack, Jami: Degree of Trust and Degree of Obsession and Addictions and No One's Watching - http://www.jamiwomack.com/
Womble, Jan: Jessie's Way: The Last Word - http://authorsden.com/janwomble
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Woods, Duane: Zachary Rush: The Beginning of the End - http://www.dcwoods.webs.com/
Woods, Joe: An Unexpected Flight: Where Courage, Love, and Deception Become Intertwined and Old Main Burning: A tale of love and murder in Mississippi - http://www.joe-woods.net/
Woodward, Wanda M.: The Anatomy of the Soul: An Authentic Psychology - http://www.thedivinesoul.net/
Woodworth, Adam: The Rantings of a 33-Year-Old Father of Two and More Rantings of a 33-Year-Old Father of Two - http://www.adamwoodworth.info/writer.htm
Woodworth, Dan: Disappointments Transformed into Destiny - http://www.danwoodworth.org/
Woolsey, Marla: A Trucker's Wife and The Chaney House Ghost - http://www.geocities.com/bmarlaw/MWoolsey_Novelist.html
Worcester, Daryl: Gaining Spiritual Life and The Chapters of Life and Concepts of Life: A Biblical Reality into God's Plans for Man and The Story of the Famous Traves Travlslot and Traves Travlslot: The North American Adventure - http://www.chapterseries.com/
Wright, Cavin: From Dust to Trust - http://www.eloquentbooks.com/TheGoldenPrize.html
Wright, Gene: Nobody Knows His Name: A Jerry Valdez Novel - http://genewright.com/
Wright, Lisa T.: Isabear - http://www.ltwwriting.com/
Wrightsman, Nyda: Always Make the Best of It and Our House on the Hill - http://www.nydawrightsman.com/
Wring, M.C.: The Circumstances of Katrina - http://geocities.com/mcwriterchick/
Wuensche, Randy: The Final Cause: Book One of the Cemaria Chronicles and Into Worlds Unknown: Book Two of the Cemaria Chronicles - http://www.thefinalcause.com/
Wyneken, Cherise: Freddie - http://www.authorsden.com/cherisewyneken
Yacoub, Chrissy: Cultures Colliding and Whispers in the Breeze and Autumn's Apparitions and Ghostly Echoes - http://www.chrissybooks.com/
Yahn, Michael A.: The Music of the Marx Brothers: A Bio-Discography of the Works of Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Gummo, and Zeppo Marx - http://musicofthemarxbrothers.sitesvp.com/
Yahne, Melissa: Moon & Sun - http://melissayahne.webs.com/
Yarbrough, Patricia: A Silent Scream - http://www.tiptopwebsite.com/websites/index2.php?username=patriciay
Yelverton, Pam: Bloody Bones - http://www.pamyelverton.com/
Yenwo, Herman: From Africa, With Love: An Autobiography of Herman X - http://www.freewebs.com/xbooks/
Yeropoli, Bruno: Vengeance from the Grave - http://www.brunoyeropoli.com/
Ylitalo, Gail: Blackberry Summer - http://www.gailylitalo.com/
Yoakum, Larry III: The Arachnid Anthology and Tales of Things That Should Not Be… - http://larryyoakum3.tripod.com/
Young, Antonio: If You Believe the Impossible - http://www.publishedauthors.net/ifyoubelievetheimpossible/index.html
Young, Cleous: The Magical Rug - http://www.cya7.com/bbb-welcome.htm
Young, Tracy Ann: Girls Night Out Chronicles: Sugar Daddy: Mad Justice: Kool Cats - http://www.girlsnightoutchronicles.com/
Zabriskie, Cindy: The Daily Adventures of Ruckus and Otis - http://www.freewebs.com/cyndizee/
Yousefi, Victoria: Omid's Mission: A Tribute to My Son - http://www.omidsmission.com/
Zachariou, Dr. Andreas: God's Creation and Man: A Dimensional Developmental Approach and God Created Man in God's Image and Man Created God in Man's Image and Through Layers and Dimensions: A Journey in Eternity and From the Ego Layer to the Non-Ego: Education’s and Humanity’s Greatest Challenge - http://www.andreaszachariou.info/index2.html
Zecca, Lori: Love Enough for All - http://www.lorizecca.com/
Zemke, Cheryl L.: Defenders of Naturion - http://www.defendersofnaturion.com/
Ziba, Axelan: Journey to Unknown - http://www.journeytounknown.com
Zimbelman, Arnie: Betrayal at Popham: The "Lost Colony" of Maine - http://www.arniezimbelmansoberammergau.com/
Zimmerman, Daniel: Poems of Diversion: The Bird of Happiness - http://profiles.friendster.com/danielzimmermann
Zimmerman, Robert K, Ed.D.: Learning from the People We Serve: A Book of Stories - http://www.publishedauthors.net/robertkzimmerman/index.html
Zinnel, A.S.: Reckless - http://publishedauthors.net/amiezinnel/
Zubry, Boris: Chess Master and Miles of Experience and Arrogance of Truth - http://www.boriszubry.us/
Zuehlke, Karen: Welcome to Janie's World - http://www.publishedauthors.net/hellomrsz/
Zumar, Anthony: How to Change Your Mind and become an Improvement Thinker - http://www.fatheranthony.org/
Zwiggelaar, Gertjan: A Pirate's Tale - http://www.apiratestale.com/Pirate%20pages/pg%202%20the%20book%20.html