- Phone:
(301) 228-3853
- Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5pm, EST. If you leave a message,
your call will be returned in the order it was received.
Please keep in mind, we get hundreds of phone calls each
- (The Author Support Team)
- Use this link to contact our Author Support Team. They
should be your FIRST point of contact should you
have any questions or concerns.
- The Acquisitions Team
- Use this address if you are a new author and would like
to find out more about PublishAmerica.
- The
Author Questionnaire -
Signed authors should use this address to send in the
requested materials for their book.
- The Royalties Team
- Use this address to contact our Royalties department.
Royalties are calculated twice a year; in February and
in doubt, always use the Author
Support Team address.
They will forward your email to the appropriate department.