Internet Is Powerful The
internet reaches millions of people. With so many of them out there, someone is
bound to find you if you're online. Create
A Webpage Create a webpage! If you don't know how, then learn,
or find someone who does. Maybe you are computer illiterate, but it may surprise
you what your 14-year-old is capable of if you hand him a keyboard. Create a page
for your book, an online press-kit of sorts, and hyperlink your page to the Publisher
( so
that people can buy your book. (See Below) Maintain
Your Page, Part 1 Keep your page fresh by updating as often as
you have news. If you are making an appearance to promote your book-a signing,
reading, interview, whatever-post the date, time, and location on your webpage.
If you get reviewed in the paper, announce the review, which paper it appeared
in, and put the entire review online. The more often you update, the more often
people will check back for updates. Maintain
Your Page, Part 2 Your webpage is also a great way to keep your
visitors up-to-date on your new or upcoming projects. People who enjoyed your
first book will likely be interested in your second. Make a point of using your
webpage to announce, discuss, promote your new projects, as well as your old.
A Community It may be worthwhile to offer a discussion group, message
board, or mailing list by which visitors to your site may discuss and stay informed
of your books. This will provide a great opportunity to interact with your readers,
as well as bring return traffic to your site. Advertise
Your Website Make sure people can find you. Register your site
with search engines, get it listed in online writers directories, and get your
friends, acquaintences, and online buddies to link to you from their own websites.
The more visible you make your site, the more people will come to see it. Make
Your Book Available Online It's very important to provide your
visitors a way of purchasing your book directly from your website. The best way
to do this is to link your site to the Publisher's bookstore (
(See Below) To
link Publish America to your website, you may choose from the following ways...
Links ![](../images/link-logo.gif)
- To use the image above,
copy the following HTML code into your webpage:
<a href="">
<img src="" width="200"
height="60" border="0"></a>
- If you want to link directly
to your book, append the "shopping/index.htm" part with the following:
"shopping/shopdisplayproducts.asp?catalogid=Your Catalog Number"
(i.e. ""
<a href="">
<img src="" width="75"
height="44" border="0"></a>
- If
you want to link directly to your book, append the "shopping/index.htm"
part with the following: "shopping/shopdisplayproducts.asp?catalogid=Your
Catalog Number"
(i.e. "" Text
Link Purchase
my book online at
<a href="">
Purchase my book online at</a>
- If you want to link directly
to your book, append the "shopping/index.htm" part with the following:
"shopping/shopdisplayproducts.asp?catalogid=Your Catalog Number"
(i.e. "" |